HC Deb 11 November 1998 vol 319 cc232-3W
Mr. Willis

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many students were recruited to PGCE courses in each subject area for each of the years 1992 to 1998. [56198]

Mr. Charles Clarke

The following table shows the number of students recruited to PGCE courses in each subject area for each of the years 1992 to 1997. Recruitment for 1998 is not yet available, but latest figures for acceptances are shown in the table. A package of new measures to boost teacher recruitment was announced on 27 October and details of this have been placed in the Library.

Recruitment1 to postgraduate initial teacher training (ITT) courses, 1992–93 to 1997–98
England and Wales 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98
Primary 6,255 6,218 5,640 5,696 5,454 5.217
Mathematics 1,311 1,429 1,651 1,575 1,443 1,233
English2 1,388 1,505 1,877 1,932 2,097 2,171
Science 1,928 2,228 2,714 2,686 2,705 2,590
Modern Foreign Languages 1,347 1,573 1,847 1,837 1,789 1,858
Technology3 1,008 1,163 1,172 1,034 1,205 1,251
History 616 683 957 936 1,006 1,043
Geography 505 590 674 726 889 888
Physical Education 326 393 538 622 666 844
Art 629 748 805 867 960 962
Music 390 415 464 550 489 482
Religious Education 334 350 427 487 625 636
Other4 456 394 316 378 390 300
Total secondary 10,236 11,468 13,442 13,629 14,262 14,258

Live acceptances to postgraduate ITT courses 1998
England and Wales 1998–995
Primary 5,690
Mathematics 810
English2 2,040
Science 1,880
Modern Foreign Languages 1,560
Technology3 1,020
History 930
Geography 750
Physical Education 790
Art 930
Music 420
Religious Education 600
Other4 240
Total secondary 11,970
1Includes School Centred ITT (SCITT).
2 English includes Drama.
3 Technology includes Design and Technology, Information Technology, Business Studies and Home Economics.
4 Other includes Classics, Economics, other social sciences and other subjects.
5 Live assceptances at 26 September 1998. Final recruitment figures are expected to be higher by about 5–10 per cent., though this will vary by subject.



England: DFE Annual Recruitment Survey 1992–93–1993–94; HESES 1994–95;

TTA Survey of ITT Providers 1995–96–1997–98.

Wales: DFE Annual Recruitment Survey 1992–93–1993–94;

Welsh Office 1994–95; HESES 1995–96–1997–98.

Live acceptances

Graduate Teacher Training Registry (GTTR)