HC Deb 19 May 1998 vol 312 cc328-30W
Mr. Gordon Prentice

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the consultation papers published since 1 May 1997 giving the date of

Subject/title of paper Publication date Closing date for comments/submissions Number of respondents1
The Future Role and Funding of Local Civil Protection in England and Wales 24 November 1997 15 January 1998 2
The Control of Unscrupulous Immigration Advisers 22 January 1998 23 March 1998 53
The Prevention of Corruption—Consolidation and Amendment of the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889–1916: A Government Statement June 1997 31 August 1997 14
Community Safety Order September 1997 9 October 1997 185
Community Protection Order November 1997 3 December 1997 92
Violence—Reforming Offences Against the Person Act 1861 February 1998 15 Mary 1998 38
Draft Lotteries (Frequent Draws) Bill, and Stake and Proceed Limits 7 January 1998 13 February 1998 129
Getting to Grips with Crime—A New Framework for Local Action September 1997 31 October 1997 550
Working Together: An Examination of Some Options for Collaboration and Reorganisation in the Fire Service 28 November 1997 30 January 1998 90
Fire Service Pensions Review 31 March 1998 31 July 1998
Racial Violence and Harassment 2 October 1997 31 October 1997 118
Tackling Youth Crime 25 September 1997 3 November 1997 323
New National and Local Focus on Youth Crime 9 October 1997 10 November 1997 267
Tackling Delays in the Youth Justice System 15 October 1997 12 November 1997 197
No More Excuses—A New Approach to Tackling Youth Crime in England and Wales. (This was a White Paper but views were invited on the contents of two chapters) November 1997 31 March 1998 179
The Drug Treatment and Testing Order provisions contained in the Crime and Disorder Bill Mid September 1997 31 October 1997 74
Data Protection—The Government's Proposals (Cm 3725) 31 July 1997 31 August 1997 71
Intrusive Surveillance—Draft Code of Practice 12 August 1997 30 September 1997 65
Improving Local Service through Best Value 30 March 1998 21 May 1998
Forensic Science Service move to Trading Fund Status 14 May 1998 8 June 1998
Police Pensions Review 31 March 1998 31 July 1998
Regulation of the Private Security Industry 15 August 1997 1 October 1997 c 70
Draft Regulations on Particulars Required in a Vehicle Hiring Agreement 15 January 1998 27 February 1998 8
Report of the Community Fire Safety Task Force. (This was a report to Ministers on which they decided to consult) 13 November 1997 31 January 1998 52
Fire Safety Legislation for the Future 28 November 1997 28 February 1998 c 450
Review of Prison Service Drug Strategy 'Drug Misuse in Prison' 3 April 1998 21 April 1998 20
Review of Prison Service Nursing 21 October 1997 20 February 1998 84
Reducing Remand Delays 23 October 1997 14 November 1997 12
Juries in Serious Fraud Trials 16 February 1998 31 May 1998
Fire Service Radio Strategy3 July 1997 7 October 1997 16
Out of the Line of Fire—Modernising the Standards of Fire Cover4 First version 15 January 1998 Amended version 12 March 1998 First version 9 February 1998 Amended version no specific deadline First version 57 Amended version 34
1 Figures include responses from individuals and organisations
2 The paper invited consultees to complete a questionnaire and submit a written response. 287 questionnaires were returned together with 205 written replies
3 This consultation was confined to major companies who were invited to take part
4 This was not a general public consultation exercise but confined to local authorities, fire authorities and staff associations

publication, closing date for submissions and the number of respondents. [42249]

Mr. Straw

The information requested is given in the table.