HC Deb 14 May 1998 vol 312 cc202-3W
Mr. Moore

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the value of the fixed element cost of grant-in-aid for the Scottish further education sector for 1998–99. [41732]

Mr. Wilson

I refer to the answer given to the hon. Member on 12 May 1998,Official Report, column 87.

Mr. Moore

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) how many weighted standard units of measurements there were in the Scottish further education sector for academic years(a) 1994–95, (b) 1995–96 and (c) 1996–97; [41731]

(2) what was the value of the weighted standard units of measurement in the Scottish further education sector in (a) 1996–97, (b) 1997–98 and (c) 1998–99. [41671]

Mr. Wilson

Weighted Student Units of Measurement (WSUMs) are used in the funding methodology which determines the allocation of recurrent grant to further education colleges. The numbers of WSUMs and the average value per WSUM are set out in the tables for the years in question. The average value has been determined by dividing the amount of funding allocated by the number of WSUMs used in the funding methodology for the appropriate year.

Year Number of WSUMs
1994–95 1,528,517
1995–96 1,667,042
1996–97 1,843,665

Year Average 'value' per WSUM
1996–97 151
1997–98 139
1998–99 125

Mr. Moore

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the sector average unit cost per weighted standard unit of measurement of Scottish Office Education and Industry Department fundable activity for the Scottish further education sector for(a) 1995–96 and (b) 1996–97. [41733]

Mr. Wilson

The sector average unit cost per weighted student unit of measurement of Scottish Office Education and Industry Department fundable activity within the Scottish further education sector was £195 in 1995–96 and £180 in 1996–97. Over this period activity in the sector increased by an average of 10.6 per cent., and an efficiency gain of 10.57 per cent. in real terms was achieved.

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