HC Deb 29 June 1998 vol 315 cc25-6W
Mr. Timms

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the total value of Private Finance Initiative contracts signed since 1 May 1997; and if he will place a list of those contracts in the Library. [48268]

Mr. Geoffrey Robinson

Contracts with a total value of £2.085 billion have been signed since May 1997. A list of those contracts, with their respective capital values, is shown in the table which has been placed in the House Library today.

Projects signed as of June 1998
Capital value
Army Personnel IT System £150 million
Defence Fixed Telecoms £70 million
Helicopter Simulator £100 million
Hawk Simulator £10 million
Tidworth Water £6 million
Joint Service College £68 million
Department for Education and Employment (PFI/PPPs)
Clarendon College £16 million
Colfox School £15 million
Falmouth College £3 million
UCL £14 million
Kings/UMDS £142 million
Employment Service IT System £150 million
Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions
Harrow (IT) (LA) £1 million
Isle of Wight waste management (LA) £13 million
Surrey CC residential homes £29 million
Kirklees Waste Management £33 million
LB Westminster £5 million
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
2 small vehicle service contracts £3 million

Projects signed as of June 1998
Capital value
Northern Ireland
Medical equipment £3 million
Belfast Hospital Renal Unit £3 million
Planning Services IT £3 million
Carlisle Hospital £63 million
Dartford and Gravesham Hospital £115 million
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital £214 million
South Bucks Hospital £39 million
North Durham Hospital £96 million
Home Office
2 Passport Agency contracts worth £15 million each
Derbyshire (IIkeston) Police Station £2 million
Inland Revenue
Edinburgh accommodation £9 million
Glasgow accommodation £9 million
Lord Chancellor's Department
ARAMIS IT System £30 million
Baldovie Waste to energy plant £43 million
Bowhouse Prison £32 million
Stirling FE Centre £4 million
Highlands and Islands Inverness Airport £10 million
Hairmyres Hospital £70 million
Department of Social Security
Longbenton estate £120 million
Prime DSS estate £350 million
Serious Fraud Office
Document management IT System £4 million
Chepstow Community Hospital £8 million
Total £2.085 billion

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