HC Deb 23 June 1998 vol 314 cc462-3W
Mr. Sawford

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many places were available for teacher training in each year since 1990; and how many were filled in each year. [46844]

Ms Estelle Morris

The table shows the target and actual intake to initial teacher training for the years 1990–91 to 1997–98.

Target and actual recruitment to initial teacher training (ITT) courses1 in England, 1990–91 to 1997–98
Primary Secondary Total
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
1990–91 12,250 13,155 10,995 8,919 23,245 22,074
1991–92 12,660 14,777 11,275 11,830 23,935 26,607
1992–93 13,070 16,658 11,300 12,849 24,370 29,507
1993–94 13,937 15,775 13,968 13,689 27,905 29,464
1994–95 12,990 13,743 16,600 15,509 29,590 29,252
1995–96 12,115 13,603 17,000 15,226 29,115 28,829
1996–97 11,500 12,465 18,900 15,965 30,400 28,430
1997–982 11,050 11,749 19,500 15,966 30,550 27,715
1Includes School Centred ITT and Open University
2 Actual intake for 1997–98 is provisional


Actual intake:

1990–91 to 1993–94: DFE ITT Annual Recruitment Survey

1994–95: Higher Education Funding Council for England's (HEFCE) Early Statistics Survey

1995–96 to 1997–98: TTA ITT recruitment survey

Target intake: