HC Deb 30 July 1998 vol 317 cc442-3W
Dr. George Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1) what assessment he has made of the advantages and disadvantages of upgrading the whole of the Core National Trunk Road Network (Cm 3950) to dual carriageway standards or better; [53705]

(2) if he will publish a map of the Core National Trunk Road Network (Cm 3950) showing sections (a) constructed to dual carriageway standards or better and (b) in current programmes designated for upgrading to such standards; [53706]

(3) if he will list for each Shire County (a) in total and b) by constituency (i) the number of miles of road identified as part of the Core National Trunk Road Network (Cm 3950) and (ii) the percentage of such road mileage constructed or in programmes to be constructed to dual carriageway standard or better. [53703]

Ms Glenda Jackson

Further details on the core network and on plans for taking forward improvements will be announced when we publish the Roads Review Report. Inclusion in the core network does not automatically mean that the road should be of dual-carriageway standard. Our approach to upgrading will be to consider problems on the core network and to assess options against our new criteria.