HC Deb 20 July 1998 vol 316 c375W
Mr. Stunell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what specific environmental and energy-saving criteria are included in standard(a) tender documents and (b) tender evaluation procedures in respect of Government contracts for (i) new building, (ii) renovation works and (iii) heating and lighting. [51025]

Angela Eagle

Government departments are individually responsible for determining their accommodation requirements including the specification of environmental and energy saving criteria in their tender documents. Advice on these matters is available to Government departments from the Property Advisers to the Civil Estate (PACE) and other sources such as the best practice guides produced by the Building Research Energy Conservation Support Unit (BRECSU) and the Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU).

DETR has produced a Green Guide for Buyers which provides general advice on conserving resources and reducing waste and pollution. It is available on DETR's web site for greening government.