HL Deb 12 January 1998 vol 584 cc171-2WA
The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether Dr. Margaret Ashwell, OBE, who chaired the symposium on the safety of vitamin B6 at the Royal College of Physicians on 8 September, has served on the Food Advisory Committee; if so, for how long; whether she is involved with the provision of programme advice for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food optimal nutrition status project; and why they have failed to accept the conclusions of that symposium about the inappropriateness of the committee on toxicity's proposed restrictions on the sale of vitamin B6.

Lord Donoughue

Dr. Margaret Ashwell was a member of the Food Advisory Committee from 1 November 1986 to 31 October 1995. She is currently programme adviser for the MAFF optimal nutrition status research and development programme.

The Government have noted the views of speakers at the industry organised symposium on vitamin B6 on 8 September. However, it has every confidence in the advice of the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment and the Food Advisory Committee that the level of vitamin B6 in dietary supplements sold under food law be limited to a maximum of 10mg per daily dose.