HL Deb 25 February 1998 vol 586 cc100-1WA
The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether it is their intention to commission a clinical audit of the Medical Assessment Programme (MAP) for those suffering Gulf War illnesses in view of the adverse reports from several veterans who have attended the MAP; if so, when; and, if not, whether they will do so as a matter of urgency. [HL569]

Lord Gilbert

The Ministry of Defence announced plans to conduct a thorough audit of the Medical Assessment Programme (MAP) during the course of this year in the detailed policy statementGulf Veterans' Illnesses: A New Beginning, which was published last July. It remains our intention to commission an external body to carry out such an audit during 1998. The audit will focus on all aspects of patient care and the service provided and will address the range of tests and examinations currently undertaken at the MAP and the issue of whether treatments currently recommended are appropriate and benefit patients' health. The audit will form the basis of further work which we intend to have done in conjunction with the Department of Health concerning the general patient care of Gulf veterans.