HL Deb 17 February 1998 vol 586 c32WA
Lord Selkirk of Douglas

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What road starts in their construction programme they intend to make in Scotland within the next three years; and whether they intend to upgrade the A.1 and the A.8000, and, if so, when. [HL501]

Lord Sewel

The trunk road programme in Scotland is currently the subject of a strategic review which was announced in June 1997. During the review there is a moratorium on new major road projects except for two—the A.75 (The Glen) and the A.828 (Creagan Bridge)—which were at an advanced stage of planning when the review was announced. Construction of these projects is expected to begin during the financial year 1998–99. A programme of minor road improvements, including work on the A.1 is continuing during the review.

The strategic review will be considering investment priorities across the whole of the Scottish trunk road network, including the A.1. The A.8000 is not a trunk road but, exceptionally because of its importance in linking the Forth Bridge to the central Scotland motorway system, proposals to upgrade it will be considered within the strategic review. A trunk road programme will be determined after the review is completed in the summer of 1998 and in the light of the resources available.