HL Deb 05 February 1998 vol 585 c125WA
Lord Dormand of Easington asked Her Majesty's Government:

What conclusions they have reached from the consultation exercise on managing vehicles on byways. [HL508]

Baroness Hayman

Motor vehicles on byways can cause considerable localised damage. There may be a need for better management of byways at local level. We therefore:

acknowledge that there may be a case for changes to the road traffic regulation powers of highway authorities. We intend to consider whether the scope of the circumstances for making traffic regulation orders should be widened to include nature and landscape conservation. We also intend to look at the scope for streamlining the procedures surrounding traffic regulation orders;

are publishing today a practical guide to managing vehicles on byways Making the Best of Byways. Copies are being distributed to highway authorities and others with an interest: and

wish to encourage the promotion of codes of conduct for members of vehicle groups.

However, we have found no compelling evidence of widespread problems being caused by recreational use of motor vehicles on byways and have concluded that there is no case for a general ban.

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