§ Mr. CorbynTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if he will publish information140W held by his Department on the number of (a) further education and (b) university students, broken down by institution, who are diagnosed as dyslexic. [60959]
§ Mr. MudieThe available data for higher education students in each higher education institution in the UK are shown in the table. These data are based on self-assessment by students and may differ from the number of students diagnosed as dyslexic. Information on further education students, broken down by institution, who are diagnosed as dyslexic is not held centrally.
Full-time and part-time HE students in the UK as at December 1997 Students who reported themselves as having dyslexia Institution Number of students The Open University 404 Cranfield University 30 Royal College of Art 6 College of Guidance Studies 0 Institute of Advanced Nursing Education 0 Bishop Grosscreste College 15 Bretton Hall College of Higher Education 17 Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education 138 Central School of Speech and Drama 13 Chester College of Higher Education 30 Canterbury Christ Church College of Higher Education 49 University College of Ripon and York St. John, North Yorkshire 34 College of St. Mark and St. John 30 Darlington College of Arts 16 Edge Hill College of Higher Education 33 Falmouth College of Arts 53 Harper Adams Agricultural College 55 Homerton College 15 Kent Institute of Art and Design 74 King Alfred's College, Winchester 64 Liverpool Institute of Higher Education 60 The London Institute 78 Loughborough College of Art and Design 6 University of Luton 211 Nene College 69 Newman College 3 North Riding College 12 Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication 5 Roehampton Institute of Higher Education 99 Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama 14 Royal Academy of Music 4 Royal College of Music 7 Royal Northern College of Music 3 Southampton Institute 235 St. Martin's College 35 St. Mary's College 16 Trinity and All Saints College 1 Trinity College of Music 1 Westminster College 19 Surrey Institute of Art and Design 36 Worcester College of Higher Education 31 Anglia Polytechnic University 71 Bath College of Higher Education 34 Bolton Institute of Higher Education 72 Bournemouth University 155 The University of Brighton 148 The University of Central England in Birmingham 161 The University of Central Lancashire 49 Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education 117 London Guildhall University 139 Coventry University 192 University of Derby 233 The University of East London 39 The University of Greenwich 154 The University of Hertfordshire 242 The University of Huddersfield 38 The University of Humberside 117 Kingston University 133 Leeds Metropolitan University 165 142W
Full-time and part-time HE students in the UK as at December 1997 Students who reported themselves as having dyslexia Institution Number of students Liverpool John Moores University 150 Manchester Metropolitan University 170 Middlesex University 188 De Montfort University 77 The University of Northumbria at Newcastle 134 The University of North London 134 Nottingham Trent University 215 Oxford Brookes University 245 University of Plymouth 230 University of Portsmouth 171 Sheffield Hallam 175 South Bank University 75 Staffordshire University 33 The University of Sunderland 87 The University of Teesside 122 Thames Valley University 54 The University of the West of England, Bristol 291 Chichester Institute of Higher Education 47 The University of Westminster 66 Wimbledon School of Art 22 The University of Wolverhampton 109 Gwent College of Higher Education 61 The North-East Wales Institute of Higher Education 14 Cardiff Institute of Higher Education 63 University of Glamorgan 50 Swansea Institute of Higher Education 24 Trinity College, Carmarthen 0 University of Abertay, Dundee 21 Edinburgh College of Art 36 Glasgow School of Art 32 Moray House Institute of Education 12 Northern College of Education 4 Queen Margaret College 33 Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama 9 St. Andrew's College of Education 4 The Scottish College of Textiles 10 The Robert Gordon University 57 University of Paisley 63 Glasgow Caledonian University 57 Napier University 95 Aston University 45 The University of Bath 40 The University of Birmingham 112 The University of Bradford 65 The University of Bristol 43 Brunei University 124 The University of Cambridge 57 City University 88 The University of Durham 79 The University of East Anglia 82 The University of Essex 56 The University of Exeter 125 The University of Hull 72 The University of Keele 31 The University of Kent at Canterbury 120 The University of Lancaster 36 University of Leeds 255 University of Leicester 76 The University of Liverpool 98 Birkbeck College 59 Goldsmith's College 61 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine 26 Institute of Education 0 Kings College London 104 London Business School 1 London School of Economics and Political Science 9 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 1 Queen Mary and Westfield College 57 Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine 6 Royal Holloway, University of London 48 The Royal Veterinary College 3 St. George's Hospital Medical School 1 The School of Oriental and African Studies 12
Full-time and part-time HE students in the UK as at December 1997 Students who reported themselves as having dyslexia Institution Number of students The School of Pharmacy 0 United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St. Thomas's 20 University College London 84 Wye College 17 London University—Senate institutes 1 Loughborough University of Technology 117 The University of Manchester 90 The University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 128 The University of Nottingham 166 The University of Oxford 103 The University of Reading 113 The University of Salford 116 The University of Sheffield 91 The University of Southampton 241 The University of Surrey 69 The University of Sussex 57 The University of Warwick 62 The University of York 48 University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology 44 University of Edinburgh 262 University of Glasgow 122 University of Strathclyde 90 University of Aberdeen 110 Heriot-Watt University 62 University of Dundee 106 University of St. Andrews 73 The University of Stirling 8 Scottish Agricultural College 36 St. David's University 61 The University College of Wales, Aberystwyth 71 University College of North Wales, Bangor 177 University of Wales College of Cardiff 81 University College of Swansea 36 University of Wales College of Medicine 11 Welsh College of Music and drama 16 Queen's University of Belfast 44 The University of Ulster 98 The University of Wales, Registry 0 Westhill College 23 Writtle College 44 Northern School of Art and Design 35 Northern School of Contemporary Dance 12 Cumbria College of Art and Design 3 Total 12,860