HC Deb 20 April 1998 vol 310 cc453-5W
Mr. Swinney

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will give a breakdown of his expenditure plans for each year from 1994–95 to 1999–2000 in cash and real terms at 1997–98 prices, indicating changes announced since the publication of Serving Scotland's Needs, setting out the cumulative spending planned for 1998–99 to 1999–2000 under each item in real terms and the total cumulative spending assuming that spending is

The Scottish Office public expenditure plans
£ million, cash
1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1997–98 1998–99
Outturn Outturn Outturn Estimated outturn Plans Changes from Serving Scotland"s Needs 1997 Changes from Serving Scotland"s Needs 1997
Central government expenditure (including public corporations other than nationalised industries)
Agriculture, fisheries and food 456 521 600 541 517 -24 -22
Industry, enterprise and training 598 599 595 578 585 -13 1
Roads and transport1 338 299 215 291 281 115 87
Housing 344 183 188 346 300 67 17
Scottish Homes loan repayments - - - -139 -48 11 22
Other environmental services 59 64 350 338 328 13 7
Law, order and protective services3 429 428 450 476 460 -3 -16
Education and sport2 1,211 1,250 1,293 1,281 1,187 61 -60
Arts and libraries 76 75 79 85 77 5 1
Health 3,948 4,092 4,240 4,394 4,626 18 151
Social work services 44 48 63 66 66 5 5
Other public services3 167 172 176 154 161 -4 5
Total central government expenditure (including public corporations) 7,670 7,731 8,249 8,411 8,540 943 737
Local authority capital expenditure 912 996 529 496 549 -73 -5
of which:
Housing (HRA) 182 291 177 178 180 -2 0
Police 8 14 18 19 18 -1 -2
Fire 9 10 18 16 16 0 0
Provision to match receipts from European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund 114 121 136 227 123 67 -56
Central government support to local authorities current expenditure1 5,322 5,423 5,433 5,298 5,285 -63 11
Nationalised Industries' financing limits -27 -22 18 26 26 4 9
Non-control total expenditure - - - 22 74 22 74
of which:
New Deal for Schools - - - 9 27 9 27
Housing capital receipts initiative - - - 12 44 12 44
Childcare - - - - 3 0 3
Further education colleges - - - 1 - 1 0
Total expenditure within the Secretary of State's responsibility 13,990 14,294 14,366 14,482 14,597 208 231
of which:
the Scottish Block 13,560 13,750 13,748 13,893 13,979 205 169
1 Roads and Transport figures in this table include Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive (SPTE) which previously were included in central government support to local authorities current, except in 1996–97 where it is still included in the local authorities current line.
2 Switch of resources in the 2 years shown is due to change in profile of the sale of student loan book.
3From 1998–99 departments will take on responsibility from Property Repayment Services (PRS) for buildings which the government owns and occupies. The change from paying rents to paying capital charges has resulted in a reduction in planned expenditure for 1998–99 of around £10 million on both the Law, Order and Protective Services and the other public service programmes, relating to the Scottish Courts estate and The Scottish Office estate respectively.

maintained at 1997–98 real term levels; and if he will indicate the difference between the two cumulative totals. [36098]

Mr. Dewar

[holding answer 26 March 1998]The information for each year from 1994–95 to 1998–99 is set out in the tables which are based on information published in my Departmental Report "Serving Scotland's Needs" (Cm3914) on 9 April 1998. No plans for 1999-2000 are given as these are subject to the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review. As a result, the cumulative spending totals and comparison requested cannot be shown.

The Scottish Office public expenditure plans
£ million, 1997–98 prices
1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1997–98 1998–99
Outturn Outturn Outturn Outturn Estimated outturn Plans Changes from Serving Scotland"s Needs 1997 Changes from Serving Scotland"s Needs 1997
Central government expenditure (including public corporations other than nationalised industries)
Agriculture, fisheries and food 495 551 616 541 502 -24 -21
Industry, enterprise and training 650 633 611 578 569 -13 1
Roads and transport 367 316 221 291 273 115 85
Housing 374 193 193 346 292 67 17
Scottish Homes loan repayments - - - -139 -47 11 21
Other environmental services 64 68 359 338 319 13 7
Law, order and protective services 466 452 462 476 447 -3 -16
Education and sport 1,316 1,321 1,328 1,281 1,154 61 -58
Arts and libraries 83 79 81 85 75 5 1
Health 4,289 4,326 4,354 4,394 4,496 18 147
Social Work services 48 51 65 66 64 5 5
Other public services 181 182 181 154 156 -4 5
Total central government expenditure (including) public corporations) 8,333 8,172 8,472 8,411 8,299 943 716
Local authority capital expenditure 991 1,053 543 496 534 -73 -5
of which:
Housing (HRA) 198 308 182 178 175 -2 0
Police 9 15 18 19 17 -1 -2
Fire 10 11 18 16 16 0 0
Provision to match receipts from European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund 124 128 140 227 120 67 -54
Central government support to local authorities current expenditure 5,782 5,733 5,580 5,298 5,136 -63 11
Nationalised Industries' financing limits -29 -23 18 26 25 4 9
Non-control total expenditure from Windfall Tax - - - 22 72 22 72
New Deal for Schools - - - 9 26 9 26
Housing capital receipts initiative - - - 12 43 12 43
Childcare - - - - 3 0 3
Further education colleges - - - 1 - 0
Total expenditure within the Secretary of State's responsibility 15,199 15,062 14,754 14,482 14,186 208 224
of which:
the Scottish Block 14,732 14,535 14,119 13,893 13,585 205 164


Real terms figures are based on the latest GDP deflators, reworked to a 1997–98 base

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