§ Mr. NormanTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what representations she has received on the need to compensate Kent county council and other local authorities in Kent for the cost to local authority pension schemes of the abolition of the payment of tax credits on dividends; what response he has made; and if he will make a statement. [14993]
§ Mr. Geoffrey RobinsonI have received a number of representations from local authorities about the effects on local authority pension schemes of the removal of tax credits in respect of Advance Corporation Tax. In my replies, I have explained that the extent to which these changes affect local authority budgets will depend on the overall judgments made by the funds' actuaries as they undertake revaluations due, in England, to take effect from 1999–2000. The Government has told the Local506W Government Association that it will take all factors into account in determining the level of local authority provision for 1999–2000 and subsequent years.