§ Dr. WrightTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales which of the national health service bodies sponsored by his Department publish(a) annual reports, (b) annual accounts, (c) the minutes of meetings, (d) the agendas of meetings and (e) a register of members' interests; and if this is in each case under a statutory requirement. [21431]
§ Mr. Gwilym JonesThere is a statutory obligation on national health service trusts to publish an annual report, all other NHS bodies are required to do so by the code of conduct and accountability. There is a statutory obligation on all NHS bodies to publish annual accounts, but no obligation on them to publish minutes of their meetings, although many do. Health authorities and special health authorities are statutorily required to publish the agendas of their meetings. All NHS bodies are required by the code of conduct and accountability to maintain a register of members' interests.
§ Dr. WrightTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department have a statutory base. [21754]
§ Mr. HagueThe Historic Buildings Council for Wales; the Ancient Monuments Board for Wales; the local government boundary commission; the staff commission 989W for Wales; the Welsh industrial development advisory board; the Environment Agency advisory committee for Wales; the Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committee; the Welsh Dental Committee; the Welsh Medical Committee; the Welsh Optical Committee; the Welsh Pharmaceutical Committee; the Welsh Nursing and Midwifery Committee; the Hill Farming Advisory Sub-Committee for Wales and the Library and Information Services Council.
§ Dr. WrightTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales which of the national health service bodies sponsored by his Department have a statutory base; and if he will list those bodies which(a) admit members of the public to all board or committee meetings and (b) hold open meetings for the public; and whether in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [21760]
§ Mr. JonesAll national health service bodies, as defined by the Cabinet Office, have a statutory basis. Health authorities and special health authorities are statutorily required to admit members of the public to their meetings. NHS trusts are statutorily required to hold an annual public meeting and many voluntarily open board meetings to the public.
§ Dr. WrightTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales which of the executive non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department have a statutory base; if he will list those bodies which(a) admit members of the public to all board and committee meetings and (b) hold open meetings for the public; and if in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [21438]
§ Mr. HagueThe information requested is as follows: the Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales, the Countryside Council for Wales, the Cardiff Bay development corporation, the Development Board for Rural Wales, the Further and Higher Education Funding Council, Housing for Wales, the Land Authority for Wales, the Residuary Body for Wales, the Welsh Development Agency, the Welsh Language Board, the Welsh National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, the Wales tourist board and the agricultural wages committees are all established by statute. Other bodies are established under royal warrant or royal charter.
(a) The Residuary Body for Wales and the Land Authority for Wales are both required by statute, under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, to open their board meetings to the public. For the Land Authority for Wales, the public may, by resolution, be excluded from meetings if the nature of the business is confidential or for other special reasons. The public are allowed access to board meetings of the Welsh national board but are asked to leave if confidential matters are to be discussed.(b) No NDPB is statutorily required to hold open meetings for the public: the Countryside Council for Wales; the National Library for Wales and the National Museums and Galleries of Wales hold such meetings voluntarily.
§ Dr. WrightTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list those of his Department's advisory non-departmental public bodies which the Government are required to(a) consult prior to legislative proposals and (b) publish their response to advice from. [21748]
§ Dr. WrightTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list the national health service bodies sponsored by his Department which are subject to(a) investigation by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, (b) scrutiny by the Audit Commission, (c) scrutiny by the National Audit Office, (d) statutory provisions for open government, (e) performance indicators and (f) provisions under the citizens charter. [21757]
§ Mr. JonesNational health service bodies, as defined by the Cabinet Office, are subject to investigation by the health service commissioner for Wales (ombudsman), and scrutiny by both the Audit Commission and the National Audit Office.
The principles of open government are incorporated in the code of practice on openness in the national health service with which all national health service bodies must comply. The principles of the citizen's charter apply to national health service bodies and have been incorporated into the patient's charter.
The Welsh Office health department monitors the performance of all national health service bodies in Wales.
§ Dr. WrightTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales which of the advisory non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department(a) hold public meetings, (b) conduct public consultation exercises, (c) conduct consultation exercises with outside commercial interests, (d) publish a register of members' interests, (e) publish agendas for meetings and (f) publish the minutes of meetings; and whether in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [21708]
§ Mr. HagueThe information requested is as follows:(a) None;
(b) the local government boundary commission has a statutory duty to conduct consultation exercises. The staff commission for Wales conducts such exercises voluntarily as appropriate;
(c) to (f) none.