HC Deb 19 March 1997 vol 292 cc650-1W
Mr. Barron

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if she will list the awards from national lottery proceeds made to sports medicine organisations, indicating the amount of the awards and(a) when they were agreed, (b) when they were made and (c) who were the recipients. [19104]

Mr. Sproat

By the end of February 1997 four awards had been announced for sports medicine organisations. The details are as follows:

recommendation of the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art during the half-year ended 31 December 1996, specifying in each case the valuation and whether an item was exported or retained, with particulars in the latter event of the acquiring institution; and if she will list any items for which licences have been withheld but the final disposal of which is not yet decided, specifying in each case (a) the valuation and (b) the relevant time limit. [20110]

Mr. Sproat

The information is as follows:

Description of item Valuation£ Outcome
A painting Erminia finding the wounded Tancred by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, called "II Guercino" (1591–1666) 3,500,000 Acquired by the National Galleries of Scotland
A pair of French Empire mahogany armchairs by the Parisian firm Jacob-Desmalter, c. 1803–13 249,904.50 Acquired by the Victoria and Albert Museum and Galleries on Merseyside
An "ideal" female bust by Antonio Canova, 1817 695,000 Acquired by the Ashmolean Museum
A London delft "clapmash" charger inscribed "John Ayres 1637" 280,000 Export licence granted
A silver-gilt and mother-of-pearl casket by Pierre Mangot, 1532 3,000,000 Export licence granted
A pair of George II open armchairs by William and John Linnell, c. 1753 192,307.69 Export licence granted
A marble bust of Henry Fuseli by Edward Hodges Baily, 1824 128,000 Acquired by the National Portrait Gallery
A daguerreotype portrait of Sir John Herschel, c. 1848 27,053.75 Acquired by the National Portrait Gallery
A negative and three prints by William Henry Fox Talbot, 1839 7,000 each Acquired by the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television
Five Roman coins, 41–54 AD 495 each Export licence granted
Three Roman coins, 41–54 AD 825 Export licence granted
A library desk by Giuseppe Maggiolini, c. 1784 1,683,012.50 Export licence granted
A Venetian bronze andiron attributed to NiccolÒ Roccatagliata, c. 1600 77,752.50 Acquired by the National Galleries of Scotland
A pair of late eighteenth—or early nineteenth—century Anglo-Indian ivory armchairs 138,275 Decision deferred until after 4 April 1997
A gold box by G. M. Moser, c. 1760 314,171.15 Acquired by the Royal Museum of Scotland
A neolithic stone ball 8,000 Decision deferred until after 8 April 1997
A painting A Cup of Water and a Rose on a Silver Plate by Francisco de Zurbaràn, c. 1627–30 305,997.10 Acquired by the National Gallery
A painting Madonna and Child with Saints with a Distant Landscape by Annibale Carracci (1560–1609) 197,325 Decision deferred until after 8 May 1997

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