HL Deb 03 June 1997 vol 580 cc32-3WA
The Earl of Bradford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the most recent quarterly figures for the incidence of BSE, and to what extent the incidence of BSE has declined in the last two years.

Lord Donoughue

The information is given in the following table:

Number of cases1 Change since previous quarter
Q1 4,579
Q2 3,368 -26%
Q3 3,275 -3%
Q4 3,249 -1%
Q1 3,083 -5%
Q2 1,749 -43%
Q3 1,739 -1%
Q4 1,482 -15%
Q1 959 -35%
1 Confirmed cases are included during the quarter when the restriction notice was served (i.e. when the disease was suspected rather than when the laboratory tests were completed). The figures for the first quarter of 1997 are incomplete.

The Earl of Bradford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the quarterly figures, broken down on a regional and United Kingdom basis, for the number of recorded cases of BSE in the last two years.

Lord Donoughue

The number of cases of BSE (recorded by date of issue of a restriction notice) is given in the following table:

The Earl of Bradford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the quarterly figures for the percentage of outbreaks of BSE occurring in (a) pure beef,

1995 1996 1997
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q11
Beef herds 15% 13% 15% 17% 12% 11% 12% 15% 11%
Dairy herds 78% 80% 78% 75% 78% 79% 79% 75% 78%
Mixed herds 5% 5% 5% 5% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5%
Dairy/mixed herds (a) 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% <1% 1% 1% <1%
Unknown (b) 1% 1% 1% 2% 3% 3% 3% 4% 6%
1 The figures for the first quarter of 1997 are incomplete.
(a) In Northern Ireland, BSE cases on dairy and mixed enterprises are recorded in a single category.
(b) In Great Britain the type of enterprise where some BSE cases have occurred is not recorded.
Further information on these cases could not be obtained except at disproportionate cost.

The Earl of Bradford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many outbreaks of BSE in other countries of the European Union they are aware of in the last two years.

Lord Donoughue

The following table gives the number of confirmed BSE cases in cattle in other Member States of the European Union during the last two years:

Number of cases1
Member state 1995 1996 1997 (to 13 May)
France 3 12 2
Germany 1
Republic of Ireland 16 73 29
Netherlands 2
Portugal 14 29 8
1 As reported to the Commission under Council Directive 82/894/EEC (as amended).