HC Deb 31 July 1997 vol 299 c433W
Mr. Green

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what estimates his Department has made of the number of over-30-months scheme cattle in Kent requiring incineration over the next three years. [10355]

Mr. Rooker

A designated abattoir in Kent has been awarded a contract to deal with those animals coming forward for slaughter under the scheme in Kent and the neighbouring counties, notably Sussex and part of Hampshire. It is estimated that 25,000 animals over 30 months of age from these counties will be slaughtered in Kent each year. It is not possible to give an estimate of the numbers which will be incinerated over the next three years because the majority of animals being slaughtered under the scheme at the present time are being rendered prior to disposal. However, a carcase incineration facility may be established adjacent to the over-30-months scheme abattoir in Kent which will offer significant efficiencies.

Dr. Julian Lewis

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the average weight of cattle slaughtered under the over-30-months cattle slaughter scheme; and what proportion of the cattle slaughtered under the scheme exceeded that average weight. [10159]

Mr. Rooker

[holding answer 28 July 1997]: The average weight of cattle slaughtered under the over-30-months slaughter scheme is 595 kg.

Sixty-three per cent. of cattle presented under the scheme weighed more than 595 kg

Dr. Lewis

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many cattle weighing(a) between 560 kg and 609 kg, (b) between 610 kg and 659 kg,(c) between 660 kg and 709 kg,(d) between 710 kg and 759 kg and (e) over 760 kg live weight have been slaughtered under the over-30-months cattle slaughter scheme during 1997. [10160]

Mr. Rooker

[holding answer 28 July 1997]: The information requested is as follows:

Live weight(kg) Number of cattle presented liveweight Number of cattle presented deadweight
560–609 29,500 48,135
610–659 22,809 39,849
660–709 12,929 29,699
710–750 5,813 19,827
Over 760 4,744 27,120