HL Deb 24 July 1997 vol 581 c178WA
Lord Peston

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the definition of "Education, Net Lending to the private sector (GTGG)" in table 9.4 in United Kingdom National Accounts 1996; and why the figure rose from zero in 1988 to £639 million in 1995.

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the Chief Executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter to Lord Peston from the Director of the Office for National Statistics, Mr. T. Holt, dated 24 July 1997.

I have been asked to reply as Director of the Office for National Statistics to your recent question asking about the definition of "Education, Net Lending to the private sector (GTGG)".

Total net lending to the private sector comprises loans (less repayments of principal) to the personal sector and companies. Table 9.4 of the UK National Accounts (Blue Book) uses the Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG), as laid down in UN Statistical Paper M70 (1980). Thus series GTGG is net lending to the private sector, for education affairs and services only.

Since 1988 this series comprises only lending associated with student loans and the increase follows the introduction of student loans in 1990.