HL Deb 24 July 1997 vol 581 c181WA
Lord Mason of Brantley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What decision they have made following the review of deductions made from the pay of officer Prisoners of War and Protected Personnel in German and Italian hands during the Second World War.

The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Lord Gilbert)

The MoD has conducted an extensive review of the issue of pay deductions from officer Prisoners of War and Protected Personnel in German and Italian hands during the Second World War and the subsequent arrangements for repayment. Overall, the review found no evidence of lack of care, of significant injustice, or grave financial disadvantage. The long and detailed report accepts that there were real difficulties, but these were recognised at the time and reasonable steps were taken to minimise them. Accordingly, there is no basis for reopening the issue. I have placed a copy of the full report in the Library of the House.

My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State is writing to those individual right honourable and honourable Members who have a constituency interest. Former officer Prisoners of War and Protected Personnel covered by the review and their families who have written direct to the MoD will also be contacted to let them know the result of the review. I know, and very much regret, that those people who have had their hopes raised will be very disappointed. We must conclude that the contemporary evidence does not support the claims which have been made.

Copies of my honourable friend's foreword to the report are also being placed in the Printed Paper Office.