HC Deb 07 February 1997 vol 289 c760W
Ms Corston

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on the safety of lariam. [14275]

Mr. Malone

Lariam (mefloquine) is an authorised medicine used in the treatment and prevention of malaria which is considered to have an acceptable level of safety in relation to its benefits. A rigorous evaluation of quality, safety and efficacy of mefloquine by the Licensing Authority and its expert advisory body, the Committee on Safety of Medicines was carried out before a marketing authorisation was granted in 1990. Mefloquine, like all medicines, has side effects, and the Medicines Control Agency and the CSM continue to monitor its safety. If new relevant evidence comes to light, this is reviewed in order to ensure the risk of possible side-effects is outweighed by the benefits. Information on how to use mefloquine, including its side effects and precautions in use, is available to health care professionals and to patients through the manufacturer's product information authorised by the MCA, the British National Formulary and the bulletinCurrent Problems in Pharmacovigilance.