HL Deb 05 February 1997 vol 577 c147WA
Lord Marlesford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the proposed functions of the PHOENIX computer based system, indicating in respect of each function the date on which it has, or is expected to, come into operation; and

Whether they will give the date on which the PHOENIX computer based system was first announced and the cost of it to public funds so far, and what expenditure of public funds on it is projected for each of the next three years; and

Whether they will indicate the ministerial responsibility and outline the project management arrangements for the PHOENIX computer based system and list those firms who have to date been given contracts in connection with it.

The Minister of State, Home Office (Baroness Blatch)

PHOENIX is the national criminal record database on the Police National Computer. Its development was announced in reply to a Question in the House of Commons on 22nd October 1991. The Home Office managed the PHOENIX project using PRINCE (projects in controlled environments) project management principles. The database came into operation in May 1995.

New functions planned include an interface with the new National Automated Fingerprint Identification Service (NAFIS) and an enhanced searching capability, known as QUEST. These are expected to be available by the end of 1997–1998. Future developments under consideration are the inclusion of details of firearms certificate holders and the provision of links between PHOENIX and the prisons, probation service and the rest of the criminal justice system.

By the end of 1996–1997 the cost of PHOENIX, including enhancements, will be £29 million. Future expenditure will be determined as decisions on new functions are reached. On current plans, projected expenditure on developing the Police National Computer Service, including new functions, is expected to be:

  • 1997–1998: £3.4 million
  • 1998–1999: £3.7 million
  • 1999–2000: £3.1 million

Firms which have been given contracts in connection with PHOENIX and PHOENIX enhancements are:

  • Hoskyns
  • Harvey Consultants
  • World Quality Systems
  • Data Sciences
  • PCL Group
  • SEMA Group
  • TRW