HL Deb 03 February 1997 vol 577 cc121-6WA
The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which British non-governmental organisations received assistance during the last financial year from the Overseas Development Administration, and how much each organisation received.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

Grants made by the Overseas Development Administration to United Kingdom Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in 1995–96 for work in developing countries amounted to £163,845,411 as detailed in the attached table. The comparable figure in 1993–94 was £148,610,155 and in 1994–95 £173,124,136—an exceptional year due to the Rwanda crisis.

In addition we made grants amounting to £15,655,907 in 1995–96 to United Kingdom NGOs for work in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The comparable figure in 1993–94 was £9,839,600 and in 1994–95, £11,989,655.

United Kingdom NGOs also draw substantially on European Union aid programmes, to which we contribute.

The table below provides details of all ODA grants in 1995–96.

1995–96 Direct grants to non governmental organisations for work in developing countries (excluding eastern Europe)
Voluntary organisation1 Amount of direct grant awarded in financial year 1995–961
ACORD 1,234,548
Action Disability & Development 237,365
Action Health 2000 45,318
Action in International Medicine 5,000
ActionAid 5,587,350
Active Learning Centre 34,983
Afghan Aid 300,000
Africa Educational Trust 26,673
Africa Now 172,286
Africa Resources Trust 100,000
African Development Fund 3,481,681
African Society for International & Comparative Law 17,592
Afro-Asian Society of Nematology 430
Aga Khan Foundation 1,194,086
AHRTAG 695,956
Alternative for India Development 47,124
AMREF 242,309
Anti Slavery International 6,464
APT Design and Development 325,216
APTT Trust UK 7,298
Arpana Charitable Trust (UK) 34,000
Association for Better Land Husbandry 134,298
Associated Country Women of the World 4,356
Association of Commonwealth Universities 2,592,386
BirdLife International 206,066
British Institute of International & Comparative Law 25,000
British Afghanistan Trust 21,515
Britain Nepal Medical Trust 149,869
British Executive Service Overseas 747,731
British Red Cross Society 16,167,110
Busoga Trust 79,275
CAFOD 2,960,965
Calcutta Rescue Fund 2,182
Cambodia Trust 158,454
Canon Collins Educational Trust for South Africa 21,595
Canterbury Christ Church College IPO 146,048
CARE International UK 9,205,344
Catholic Institute for International Relations 2,029,863
Charities Aid Foundation 65
Charities Evaluation Services 6,150
ChildHope 136,932
Christain Aid 7,685,178
Christain Engineers in Development 27,192
Christain Fellowship Trust 7,518
Christain Outreach 461,639
Christains Abroad 61,237
Church Missionary Society 6,630
Co-operation for Development 186,937
CODA International Training 260,735
Code Europe 40,940
Commonwealth TUC 150,299
Commonwealth Human Ecology Council 47,189
Concern Universal 919,162
Concern Worldwide 1,082,164
Conciliation Resources (IWPR) 31,857
Consortium for Street Children 16,100

1995–96 Direct grants to non governmental organisations for work in developing countries (excluding eastern Europe)
Voluntary organisation1 Amount of direct grant awarded in financial year 1995–962
Cranfield Institute of Technology 34,550
Cranfield Trust 2,694
Cusichaca Project Trust 28,290
Durham-Lesotho Link 19,959
Education for Development 34,315
Education Partners Overseas 50,000
Farm Africa 922,142
Feed the Children 75,279
Feed the Minds 29,831
Find Your Feet 13,273
Food for The Hungry International 62,157
Friends of ASSEFA 30,249
Friends of Conservation 50,451
Fulshaind Village Trust 17,295
GB China Education Trust 21,222
GOAL 141,570
Gordon Barclay Vietnam Fund 2,998
Gurkha Welfare Trust 93,131
Halo Trust 1,551,495
Harvest Help 42,371
Health Aid UK (Rwanda) 84,300
Health Projects Abroad 52,883
Health Unlimited 874,075
HelpAge International 462,746
Henry Doubleday Research Association 17,421
Holy Trinity Church Middlesex 14,100
Homeless International 146,985
IACR-Rothamsted 74,222
ICEA 3,349
Ideas Aid International UK 30,000
Impact Foundation 10,533
India Development Group 21,816
Institute of Development Studies 2,880,658
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 3,780
Institute of Data Processing Management 700
Institute for Animal Health 73,868
International Agricultural Training Programme 43,092
International Alert 5,492
International Care and Relief 16,490
International Cent Agroforestry 46,287
International Childcare Trust 67,631
International Children's Trust 58,986
International Extension College 178,508
International Family Health 286,962
International Health Exchange 160,499
International Planned Parenthood Federation 8,800,763
International HIV/AIDS Alliance 200,000
International Records Management Trust 465,731
International Refugee Trust 26,006
International Rescue Corps 1,069
International Trust for Nature Conservation 2,103
Interfund 114,312
Interights 25,000
Intermediate Technology Development 3,705,475
INTRAC 37,981
Islamic Relief 59,602
Joint Mission Hospital Equipment Board 16,422
Karuna Trust 16,300
Kasanka Trust 1,700
Kerala Federation for the Blind 8,350
King Mahendra Trust 58,625

1995–96 Direct grants to non governmental organisations for work in developing countries (excluding eastern Europe)
Voluntary organisation1 Amount of direct grant awarded in financial year 1995–962
Kurdish Life Aid 307,000
Legal Assistance Trust 90,572
Leonard Cheshire Foundation 47,119
Leprosy Mission 9,832
Leprosy Mission (Scotland) 17,587
League for Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers 2,200
Life Sowing Ministries 217,260
Link Africa 30,495
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 1,424,078
Manacare Foundation 195,357
Marie Stopes International 2,981,229
Marlborough Brandt Group 15,048
Medecins Sans Frontieres 488,025
Medical Aid for Iraq 392,500
Medical Aid for Iraqi Children 22,500
Medical Aid for Palestinians 81,892
Medical Emergency Relief International 450,000
Medical Research Council 3,175,003
Methodist Church Overseas 16,764
Mines Advisory Group 1,921,789
Motivation 85,589
NACRO 14,800
Nairobi Hospice Charitable Trust 49,072
National Children's Homes 5.913
New Age Access 40,755
New Economics Foundation 3,378
New Hope Rural Community Trust 2,721
Ockenden Venture 311,588
One World Action 208,376
One World Broadcasting Trust 66,005
Opportunity Trust 197,620
Orbis International 33,993
Overseas Development Institute (ODI) 2,078,138
OXFAM 11,581,358
Pattaya Orphanage Trust 29,904
Plan International 886,037
Plunkett Foundation 11,059
Population Concern 721,777
Project Ploughshare 7,309
Red R 29,000
Refugee Council 9,000
Richmond Fellowship International 70,641
RNIB 240
Royal Agricultural Society 6,020
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 78,023
Ryder Cheshire Mission 100,000
South Africa Advanced Education Project 677
South Africa Townships Health Fund 72,000
SPANA 10,290
Saigon Children's Charity 4,285
Sandy Gall Afghan Appeal 86,048
Save The Children Fund 17,190,175
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) 349,918
Scottish Crop Research Institute 69.830
Send A Cow 31,375
Sightsavers 152,333
Silsoe Research Institute 520,431
Skillshare Africa 1,609,499
Small Business Research Trust 2,879
SOS Sahel International 547,604
Southeast Asian Outreach 50,001
Tear Fund 686,293
Thomson Foundation 71,169

1995–96 Direct grants to non governmental organisations for work in developing countries (excluding eastern Europe)
Voluntary organisation1 Amount of direct grant awarded in financial year 1995–962
Tourism Concern 100
Toybox 15,428
Traidcraft Exchange 168,858
Trax Program Support 30,936
Tropical Agriculture 1,200
Tropical Health and Education Trust 76,947
TUIREG 34,056
UNAIS 929,000
Uganda Aids Action Fund 1,350
Uganda Society for Disabled Children 90,972
UK Committee for UNICEF 1,748,100
UK Foundation for People of the South Pacific 222,175
UKJAID 50,000
University of Warwick 67,172
Urban Aid 25,113
VetAid 297,284
Village Service Trust 15,055
Vision Aid Overseas 3,491
Voluntary Service Overseas 19,596,293
War on Want 92,638
WaterAid 844,922
Wells for India 11,524
Wildlife Information Network 59,668
Womankind 39,133
Workers Educational Association 4,371
World Conservation Monitoring 43,554
World Conservation Union 2,115
World University Service 920,124
World Vision of Britain 3,492,390
Worldwide Fund for Nature 2,179,594
Y-Care International 192,357
YES International 389,702
You and Me 34,250
Youth with A Mission 116,614
Zimbabwe Trust 56,650
Zoological Society of London 69,024
Totals 163,845,411
1Organisations registered as a charity with the Charity Commissioners in England or the Inland Revenue in Scotland.
2This represents expenditure channelled through NGOs for their own programmes and for development activities and emergency relief work undertaken on behalf of the Overseas Development Administration. It includes some research work where this is implemented by institutions which are within the definition of NGO given above.

1995–96 direct grants to non governmental organisations for work in Eastern Europe
Voluntary organisation Amount of direct grant awarded in financial year 1995–96
Active Learning Centre 10,436
Aga Khan Foundation 2,400,000
Balkans Relief 5,000
BEARR Trust 80
Bosnia Family Aid Appeal 3,500
Bosnia Hercegovina Heritage 1,500
British Helsinki Human Rights Group 3,714
British Institute of International and Comparative Law 232,569

1995–96 direct grants to non governmental organisations for work in Eastern Europe
Voluntary organisation Amount of direct grant awarded in financial year 1995–96
British Association Central Eastern Europe 110,565
British Executive Service Overseas 367,351
British Red Cross Society 6,076,800
British Trust for Conservation 2,640
Care International UK 473,790
Charities Advisory Trust 23,500
Charities Aid Foundation 952,279
Charities Evaluation Services 93,451
Children in Crisis 17,600
Conservation Foundation 26,900
Enterprise Europe 20,372
Feed The Children 255,200
Healthprom 5,000
Help Medical 150,000
International Planned Parenthood Federation 50,620
International Waterfowl and Wetland Research Bureau 9,002
Islamic Relief Agency 5,000
Joint Mission Hospital Equipment Board 65,565
Mammal Society 216
Marie Stopes International 118,620
Medical Emergency Relief International 124,158
National Institute Agricultural Botany 245,350
Opportunity Trust 1,018
OXFAM 1,146,631
Plunkett Foundation 315,001
Romanian Orphanage Trust 83,108
RSPB 890
Salvation Army 28,000
Save The Children Fund 862,209
Scottish Agricultural College 452,605
Task Force Albania 38,300
Tear Fund 180,000
Thomson Foundation 248,691
UK Institute for Conservation 40
UKJAID 33,000
University of Warwick 7,225
Vision International 41,000
Voluntary Service Overseas 234,500
Warchild 19,139
World Conservation Monitoring 54,406
Worldwide Fund for Nature 26,750
YLS International 29,468
Young Enterprise 3,148
East European Totals 15,655,907