§ Mr. KeyTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the working parties he has established on smart382W procurement through the National Defence Industries Council, including the terms of reference on each one, its chairman and members together with their companies or organisations; and when each working party (a) first met and (b) will report to Ministers. [21125]
§ Mr. SpellarThere are no NDIC groups dealing solely with Smart Procurement. However, following the meeting of the NDIC on 17 July a sub group was established and tasked with producing a paper reflecting industry's views on industrial aspects of the Strategic Defence Review, including Smart Procurement.
The Strategic Defence Review Sub Group formally met for the first time on 24 September. This meeting was chaired by Deputy Chief of Defence Procurement (Support).
The Strategic Defence Review Sub Group presented the results of their work to ministers at the NDIC meeting on 29 October.
The trade associations represented on the sub group are the Defence Industries Council, the Defence Manufacturers Association, the British Naval Equipment Association, the Federation of Electronics Industries, and the Society of British Aerospace Companies.
A wide range of companies were also represented including BAe, Cobham, Fairey Hydraulics, Rolls-Royce, FR Aviation, GKN, Racal, Smith's Industries, Computing Devices (UK), GEC, GEC-Marconi, TI/Messier-Dowty and Vickers.