§ Mr. WebbTo ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what is the average weekly mortgage interest of homebuyers in receipt of family credit; and how many have weekly mortgage interest costs of (i) up to £9.99, (ii) £10–£19.99, (iii) £20–£29.99, (iv) £30–£39.99, (v) £40–£49.99, (vi) £ 50–£59.99, (vii) £60–£69.99, (viii) £70–£79.99 and (ix) £80 or above. [21785]
§ Mr. Keith BradleyThe information is not available in the format requested. Such information as is available is as follows.
According to the 1995–96 Family Resources Survey (FRS) the average weekly mortgage interest cost to homebuyers in receipt of Family Credit (FC) was £31 (rounded to nearest £1).
Counts of FC receipt derived from the FRS do not match administrative sources. Therefore the requested figures for homebuyer FC recipients by mortgage band are shown in the table as percentages rather than grossed up counts. In addition, the requested mortgage interest bands resulted in counts too low to be reliable. Therefore it has been necessary to enlarge the mortgage interest bands used.
Weekly mortgage interest cost Homebuyers in receipt of Family Credit—percentages within each mortgage interest band Up to £19.99 33 £20 to £39.99 40 £40 to £59.99 21 £60 or above 6 Notes:
1. The estimates are based on sample counts which have been adjusted for non-response using multi-purpose grossing factors which control for region, Council Tax Band and a number of demographic variables. Estimates are subject to sampling error and to variability in non response.
2. The total count of homebuyers given is based on adult owner occupiers with a mortgage where the benefit unit to which the adult belongs is in receipt of Family Credit. A benefit unit is a single adult or couple living as married and any dependent children.
The figures are based on information from the 1995–96 Family Resources Survey (FRS). The 1995–96 survey is the latest for which data are available.