HL Deb 11 December 1997 vol 584 c50WA
Lord Selkirk of Douglas

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they intend to increase or decrease Scotland's housing capital budget in real terms for the next financial year in comparison to this financial year, and what percentage change this represents.

Lord Sewel

Net planned provision for local authority capital in 1998-99, at £180 million, remains the same as for 1997-98. Scottish Homes' development programme for 1998-99 will be determined and announced in due course. Shortly after coming into office, the Government announced an extra £1 million this year for the rough sleepers initiative and £2 million this year for a new empty homes initiative. In July, the Government announced an extra £12.5 million this year and an extra £43.7 million next year for measures to improve home energy efficiency and to promote the new housing partnerships initiative. The Government also announced on 3 December that an additional £7 million was being made available for the empty homes initiative in 1998-99. These extra resources demonstrate the high priority which the Government attach to housing in Scotland.