HC Deb 29 November 1996 vol 286 cc461-8W
Mr. Hayes

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list(a) the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for December and (b) major EU events for the next six months. [7268]

Mr. David Davis

The answer is as follows:

  • Monthly Forecast of Business Pr December 1996
  • The following Councils are scheduled:
  • December 2: Ecofin Council
  • December 2: Labour and Social Affairs Council
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  • December 3: Energy Council
  • December 5: Research Council
  • December 6: Education and Social Affairs (Informal)
  • December 6: General Affairs Council
  • December 9: Environment Council
  • December 10: Environment Council
  • December 12: Transport Council
  • December 13: Transport Council
  • December 13: European Council
  • December 14: European Council
  • December 16: Culture Council
  • December 16: Agriculture Council
  • December 17: Agriculture Council
  • December 19: Fisheries Council
  • December 20: Fisheries Council
  • The following subjects are likely to be discussed:
  • December 2: Ecofin Council
  • Approval of the provisional agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A items.
  • EIB lending to third countries: interim lending mandate.
  • SEM 200 final report of personal representatives group.
  • Preparation of Dublin European Council on 13–14 December:
  • Preparation of Stage 3 of EMU:
  • legal status of euro;
  • relationship between participating and non-participating member states;
  • budgetary discipline in stage 3 (Stability Pact).
  • Employment.
  • Co-ordination of the Community's economic and structural policies: Report from the Commission.
  • Taxation:
  • Specific arrangements for travellers' allowances granted to the Nordic countries;
  • Standard rate of VAT.
  • Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council directive 89/647/EEC on a solvency ratio for credit institutions (possible item).
  • Community action in the field of statistics (possible item).
  • Subscription by the European Community for extra shares in the capital of the EBRD (possible item).
  • Preparation of the Dutch presidency:
  • Priorities during the Dutch presidency (working programme):
  • Preparation of structured dialogue with central and eastern European countries Ministers.
  • December 2: Labour and Social Affairs Council
  • Adoption of the agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A items (possible item).
  • Follow-up to the Essen European Council:
  • Joint report on employment labour to the European Council (Dublin, 13 and 14 December 1996).
  • Proposal for a council decision setting up an employment and labour market policy committee.
  • Proposal for Council directive on the burden of proof in cases of discrimination based on sex.
  • Proposal for a directive amending directive 76/207/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions.
  • Draft resolution on equality of opportunity for people with disabilities.
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  • Proposal for a directive amending directive 86/378/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in occupational social security schemes.
  • Draft resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the Governments of the member states meeting within the council on the role of social protection systems in the fight against unemployment.
  • Proposal for a Council regulation amending regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community and regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing regulation (EEC) No 1408/71.
  • Proposal for a Council directive on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks relating to chemical agents at work: information from the presidency.
  • Council conclusions on continuous vocational training:
  • information from the Presidency.
  • Communication from the Commission on worker information and consultation: information from the Commission.
  • Commission communication concerning the development of the social dialogue at Community level: presentation by the Commission.
  • Other business:
  • Information from the Presidency on the follow-up to the French memorandum for a European social model; Presentation by the Commission of the report on the progress made in Social and economic Cohesion.
  • December 3: Energy Council
  • Adoption of the provisional agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A items (possible item).
  • Strategy on renewable energy: presentation by the Commission followed by an open debate.
  • Amended proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas: policy debate and Council conclusions.
  • Amended proposal for a Council regulation adopting a multiannual programme to promote international co-operation in the energy sector—SYNERGY programme: adoption.
  • Report on the situation of oil supply, refining and markets in the European Community: Council conclusions.
  • Climate changes—the energy dimension: Council conclusions.
  • Commission communication and proposal for a Council and Commission decision on the conclusion by the European Communities of the energy charter treaty and the energy charter protocol on energy efficiency and related environmental aspects: progress report.
  • Euro-Mediterranean partnership in energy: oral report from the Commission.
  • Second Commission report on the review of Community energy legislation and communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council concerning the repeal of several Community legislative texts in the field of energy policy.
  • Proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending European Parliament and Council decision No. 1254/96/EC laying down a series of guidelines on Trans-European Energy Networks: common position.
  • Decision on Altener II.
  • Commission Communication concerning the promotion of energy efficiency in the European Union—specific action for vigorous energy efficiency—SAVE II Programme (request by the Commission).
  • Other business:
  • Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity (request by the Commission): information from the Commission;
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  • Auto-oil programme (request by the Commission): information from the Commission.
  • Proposal for a Council decision concerning the organisation of co-operation around agreed Community energy objectives (request by the Commission): presentation by the Commission;
  • Proposal for a Council directive to introduce rational planning techniques in the electricity and gas distribution sectors (request by the Commission): information from the Commission;
  • December 5: Research Council
  • Adoption of provisional agenda.
  • Adoption of list of A items (possible item).
  • Research into Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
  • (TSEs): Commission communication
  • draft Council conclusions.
  • Financial supplement to the 4th RTD framework programme.
  • Fifth RTD framework programme.
  • Small and medium enterprises and the RTD framework programmes:
  • draft Council conclusions.
  • Role of the Joint Research Centre (JRC): communication from the Commission:
  • draft Council conclusions.
  • Role of research in the fight against drug abuse:
  • draft Council conclusions.
  • Signature of S/T co-operation agreement with South Africa (possible A item).
  • Other Business:
  • Green Paper on Innovation: presentation and information from the Commission;
  • Implementation and management of the framework programmes on RTD: equal treatment for men and women;
  • (information from the Swedish delegation).
  • The European Community and space: presentation by the Commission;
  • EC/MED S/T co-operation: information from the Commission.
  • December 6: Education and Social Affairs (informal)
  • There is no formal agenda.
  • December 6: General Affairs Council
  • Approval of the provisional agenda.
  • Approval of the list of A items.
  • Resolutions, decisions and opinions adopted by the European Parliament (Strasbourg, 11 to 15 November 1996).
  • Preparation of Dublin European Council.
  • Mediterranean policy:
  • report on the follow-up of the Barcelona conference;
  • PLO—negotiations for a new agreement (possible item).
  • Preparation of European Economic Area ministerial council (likely A item).
  • Relations with the Associated CEECs.
  • adaptation of agricultural provisions of Europe agreements.
  • Transatlantic relations:
  • preparation of the EU-US Summit;
  • EU-Canada (possible item).
  • India:
  • Council conclusions on Commission communication.
  • Relations with Switzerland.
  • Relations with Ukraine
  • adoption of an action plan (likely A item).
  • Relations with Russia:
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  • report of the implementation of an action plan (likely A item).
  • Monitoring centre for racism and xenophobia.
  • OCT review.
  • Former Yugoslavia: autonomous measures.
  • Middle East.
  • Kedo (the presidency said this was very doubtful).
  • Proposal for a Council decision on the mid-term review of Council decision 91/482/EEC of 25 July 1991 on the Association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the European Community: trade arrangements.
  • December 9–10: Environment Council
  • Review of Community fifth action programme on the Environment: political agreement or common position.
  • Amendment of directive 90/219 on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms: political agreement.
  • Council resolution on the review of the Community waste management strategy.
  • Council conclusions on climate change.
  • Auto-oil programme proposals (car emissions and fuel quality for 2000): progress report.
  • Directive on drinking water quality: progress report.
  • Leghold traps: possible agreement of framework agreement on humane trapping standards.
  • Other business:
  • Tropospheric ozone (possible item).
  • Genetically modified maize (possible item).
  • December 12–13: Transport council
  • Approval of the list of A items (possible item).
  • Negotiations between the Community and the United States in air transport: Commission report.
  • Negotiations between the European Union and Switzerland on road and air transport: Commission report.
  • Rail transport
  • White paper on a strategy for revitalising the Community's railways: policy debate.
  • Road transport:
  • Proposal for a Council directive on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructures: policy debate.
  • Proposal for a Council regulation laying down the conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate national road passenger transport services within a member state: common position.
  • Proposal for a Council regulation amending regulation (EEC) No 684/92 of 16 March 1992 on common rules for the international carriage of passengers by coach and bus: common position.
  • Proposal for a Council regulation amending Council regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and Council directive 88/599/EEC on recording equipment in road transport (Tachograph): policy debate.
  • Air transport:
  • Recommendation for a Council decision authorising the Commission to start negotiations with a view to establishing a European organisation for the safety of air navigation (Eurocontrol): policy debate.
  • Recommendation for a Council decision authorising the Commission to start negotiations with a view to establishing a European organisation responsible for civil aviation safety: presentation by the Commission.
  • Proposal for a Council regulation on air carrier liability in case of accidents: common position.
  • Maritime transport:
  • Commission communication: "Towards a New Maritime Strategy": Debate.
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  • Proposal for a Council directive setting up a harmonised safety regime for fishing vessels of 24m in length and over: policy debate.
  • Proposal for a Council directive amending directive 93/75/EEC concerning minimum requirements for vessels bound for or leaving Community ports and carrying dangerous or polluting goods: policy debate.
  • Other business
  • High-level working party on air traffic safety: Commission report.
  • High-level working party on public-private partnerships: financing of 10 transport projects: Commission report.
  • Trans-European network for rail freight freeways: Commission report.
  • Commission Green Paper: "The Citizens' Network: Fulfilling the Potential of Public Passenger Transport in Europe": Commission report.
  • Commission Green Paper "Towards Fair and efficient Pricing in Transport. Policy Options for Internalizing the External Costs of Transport in the European Union": Commission Report.
  • Third Pan-European transport conference (Helsinki, 23–25 June 1997): Statement by the Finnish delegation.
  • December 16: Culture Council
  • Resolution on integration of cultural aspects in other Community actions.
  • TV without frontiers: orientation debate.
  • Audiovisual investment guarantee fund: orientation debate.
  • December 16–17: Agriculture Council
  • Identification and registration of bovine animals.
  • Potatoes
  • Durum wheat (if EP opinion available).
  • Forest fires (if EP opinion available).
  • Arable sanctions (if EP opinion available).
  • Geographical designations (possible item).
  • 500 mecu beef aid (possible item).
  • Plant health: solidarity and responsibility (possible item).
  • BSE (possible item).
  • Veterinary and phytosanitary equivalence agreement (possible item).
  • Amendment to directive (64)432 on trade in bovines and swine (possible item).
  • European plant breeders rights office (possible item).
  • December 19–20: Fisheries Council
  • Total Allowable Catches and quotas.
  • Multi-annual guidance programme IV.
  • Reciprocal access to waters of third countries.
  • Technical conservation measures (possible item).

European calendar: December 1996–May 1997
Venue Event
December 1996
2 Brussels Ecofin Council
2 Brussels Social Affairs Council
2 London Rt Hon. David Maclean MP Meets
Herr Schõbohn (German Senator)
3 Brussels Energy Council
5 Brussels Research Council
6 Brussels General Affairs Council
6 Dublin Education and Social Affairs Council (Informal)
7 Brussels Foreign Ministers Conclave
9–10 Brussels Environment Council
9–13 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
12–13 Brussels Transport Council
13–14 Dublin European Council
European calendar: December 1996–May 1997
Venue Event
16 Brussels Culture Council
16–17 Brussels Agriculture Council
17 Brussels K4 Committee
19–20 Brussels Fisheries Council
January 1997
1 Dutch presidency begins
7 Brussels Fisheries Council
13–17 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
20–21 Brussels General Affairs Council
20–21 Brussels Agriculture Council
27 Brussels Ecofin Council (t.b.c.)
29–30 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
31 Amsterdam Transport Council (Informal)
February 1997
1 Amsterdam Transport Council (Informal)
1–2 Brussels Economic Affairs Council (Informal)
5–6 Noordwijk Justice and Home Affairs Council (Informal)
17 Brussels Ecofin Council
17–18 Brussels Agriculture Council
17–21 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
24–25 Brussels General Affairs Council
28 Amsterdam Development Aid Council (Informal)
March 1997
1–2 Amsterdam Development Aid Council (Informal)
3 Amsterdam Education Council (Informal)
3–4 Brussels Environment Council
6 Brussels Telecommunications Council
10 Brussels Internal Market Council
10–14 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
11–12 Brussels Transport Council
European calendar: December 1996–May 1997
Venue Event
14–15 Rotterdam Social Affairs Council (Informal)
15–16 Apeldoorn Gymnich (Informal)
17 Brussels Ecofin Council
17–19 Brussels Agriculture Council
18–19 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
24–25 Brussels General Affairs Council
April 1997
4–6 Noordwijk Ecofin Council (Informal)
7–10 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
10 Luxembourg Consumer Council
14–15 Luxembourg Fisheries Council
17 Luxembourg Social Affairs Council
18–20 Amsterdam Environment Council (Informal)
21–22 Luxembourg Agriculture Council
23 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
24 Luxembourg Industry Council
24–25 Luxembourg ACP/EU
25 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
29 Luxembourg General Affairs Council
May 1997
5 Brussels General Affairs Council
12 Brussels Ecofin Council
12–13 Brussels Agriculture Council
12–16 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
14–15 Brussels Research Council
20 Brussels Internal Market Council
25–27 Domburg Agriculture Council (Informal)
26 Brussels Energy Council
27–28 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
28–29 Brussels European Parliament Plenary
29 Brussels Telecommunications Council

This calendar is primarily concerned with European Union matters, but certain other relevant events are also included.

Events and dates quoted are based on the information available on the date of issue.