HL Deb 13 May 1996 vol 572 c40WA
Lord Methuen

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the cost of modifying government computer systems to overcome the software problems associated with the year 2000.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Earl Howe)

The Government do not hold the information centrally. Nevertheless, the Government fully appreciate the importance of the problem, and are providing, through the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency, advice and guidance.

Lord Methuen

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In relation to the contracts placed with Electronic Data Services (EDS) for the facilities management of computer systems within government departments and agencies, whether those contracts cover the cost of modifying these systems to address the year 2000 problem.

Earl Howe

Full information on contracts placed with EDS is not held centrally, and can only be provided at disproportionate cost. However some of the contracts with EDS were placed before the year 2000 issues had been identified and any costs of dealing with problems will have to be examined against the terms of individual contracts. The Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency is developing contract conditions and warranties to include in any new contracts and is preparing advice and guidance on the practical steps to be taken by government departments and agencies in respect of existing contracts to minimise the costs of dealing with this problem.