§ Mr. Ian McCartneyTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence on how many occasions in each of the past five years health and safety problems in his Department and its agencies have been reported via internal monitoring; and on how many occasions the Health and Safety Commission has become involved. [33472]
§ Mr. ArbuthnotThis information is not held centrally and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
§ Mr. McCartneyTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence what was the cost in each of the past five years of rectifying working conditions that were the responsibility of his Department and it agencies, to bring them up to acceptable health and safety standards, detailing incidents involving information technology and those involving expenditure of more than £5,000. [33475]
§ Mr. ArbuthnotInformation is not held in a way which would enable this question to be answered. Rectification of working conditions could cover a wide range of measures, including for example re-arrangement of office furniture, changes in working practices and major structural changes to buildings. Not all of these would be recorded and not all of them could be costed.
§ Mr. McCartneyTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many(a) minor, (b) major and (c) fatal injuries have been suffered by staff in his Department and its agencies in work-related incidents in each of the past five years, showing in each year how many were related to information technology and giving details of all incidents involving fatalities. [33473]
§ Mr. ArbuthnotThis information is not held centrally and could be provided only at disproportionate cost. However, a MOD-wide accident and incident reporting system is being developed and should be supplemented by April 1997. The system will enable information about accidents occurring from April 1997. The system will enable information about accidents occurring from April 1997 onwards to be recorded centrally.