HC Deb 07 June 1996 vol 278 cc577-81W
Mr. Donohoe

To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list(a) the number of (i) male and (ii) female employees, (b) the number of officials employed at each of the principle grades and the number and percentage of women employed at each of these grades and (c) the number of staff employed at administrative grades and the number and percentage of these staff who are women in his Department on 1 April. [30556]

Mr. John M. Taylor

On 1 April 1996, the DTI, excluding its executive agencies employed:

  1. (a) (i) 3,235 men; (ii) 2,631 women.
  2. (b) the following number of staff and women in its main grade levels:

Grade level Total number of staff Women Percentage of women in grade level
G1 2 0 0
G2 9 0 0
G3 43 8 18.6
G4 7 3 42.9
G5 156 25 16.0
G6 121 29 24.0
G7 664 153 23.0
SEO 406 76 18.7
HEO 1,034 314 30.4
EO 1,121 531 47.3

(c) the following number of staff and women in its administration grade levels:

Per cent.
AO 1,544 1,003 65.0
AA 759 490 64.6

The figures are provided on a headcount basis. They exclude casual staff and staff currently out of the Department, such as those on loan, career breaks.

I have asked the chief executives of this Department's agencies to respond to the hon. Member direct.

Letter from P. R. S. Hartnack to Mr. Brian Donohoe, dated 31 May 1996: I am responding in relation to the Patent Office to your Parliamentary Question to the President of the Board of Trade about male and female employees. The information requested is set out in the following tables:

Principal and specialist grades
Grade Male Female Total Percentage female
Grade 3 1 0 1 0
Grade 5 2 1 3 33
Grade 6 5 0 5 0
Grade 7 6 2 8 25
Assistant comptroller 1 0 1 0
Superintending examiner 3 0 3 0
Principal examiner 16 2 18 11
Senior examiner 126 13 139 9
Examiner 41 3 44 7
Administrative support and secretarial grades
Grade Male Female Total Percentage female
SEO 17 3 20 15
HEO 37 17 54 31
EO 95 75 170 44
AO 82 128 210 61
AA 45 65 110 59
Support grades 4 5 9 55
Personal secretaries 0 7 7 100
Typists 0 8 8 100

Letter from Seton Bennett to Mr. Brian Donohoe, dated 31 May 1996: The President of the Board of Trade has asked me to provide additional information on behalf of the National Weights and Measures Laboratory in reply to your question about the number and percentages of women employed on 1 April 1996. For NWML, the information you request is summarised in the following table. This Agency employs a significant number of staff in the Scientific and the Professional and Technology grades and I have included these in the figures for the appropriate levels.

Number of employees Number of women Percentage women
Chief executive 1 0 0
Grade 7 3 0 0
SEO level 8 1 12.5

Companies House
Analysis—Employee by substantive grade and gender
Male Female
FTE Percentage Headcount Percentage FTE Percentage Headcount Percentage
G4 1.0 100.0 1 100.0
G5 2.0 100.0 2 100.0
G7 7.0 65.7 7 65.7 3.7 34.3 4 37.6
SEO 12.0 92.3 12 92.3 1.0 7.7 1 7.7
SPTO 1.0 100.0 1 100.0
HEO 32.0 54.9 32 54.9 26.3 45.1 28 48.0
EO 63.5 57.4 64 57.9 47.1 42.6 56 50.6
AO 112.0 36.8 112 36.8 192.2 63.2 221 72.6
AA 54.4 44.6 55 45.0 67.8 55.4 79 64.6
SPS 1.0 100.0 1 100.0
PS 2.0 100.0 3 150.0
TM 1.0 100.0 1 100.0
TYP 6.0 100.0 8 133.3
SM2 1.0 100.0 1 100.0
SM3 4.0 42.1 4 42.1 5.5 57.9 6 63.2
SGB1 10.0 27.0 10 27.0 27.0 73.0 34 92.0
SGB2 45.1 22.7 52 26.2 153.7 77.3 230 115.7
Total 344.2 39.1 352.0 40.0 535.2 60.9 673.0 76.5
Figures excluded casuals. Figures included Career Breaks, Unpaid Maternity, Special Leave Without Pay, Secondments or on Loan, Staff Counselling Unit.

Letter from Jim Norton to Mr. Brian Donohoe, dated 7 June 1996: Question: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, if he will list (a) the number of (i) made and (ii) female employees, (b) the number of officials employed at each of the principal grades and the numbers and percentages of women employed at each of these grades and (c) the number of staff employed at administrative grades and the numbers and percentage of these staff that are women, in his Department on 1st April. I have been asked to answer the questions you raised on behalf of the Radiocommunications Agency.

  1. (a) (i) 408 male employees
  2. (ii) 110 female employees

Grade Total Female Male
3 1 0 0
5 6 0 0
6 7 0 0
7 33 3 9.1
SEO and equivalent 59 4 6.8
HEO and equivalent 95 5 5.3
EO and equivalent 178 18 10.1
AO and equivalent 100 53 53
AA and equivalent 39 27 69

Number of employees Number of women Percentage women
HEO level 12 0 0
EO level 11 4 3.6
Administrative grades 13 12 92.3
Total 48 17 35.4

Letter from John Holden to Mr. Brian Donohoe, dated 31 May 1996: I am replying as Chief Executive of Companies House Executive Agency, concerning your recent request to the President of the Board of Trade for information regarding employees within his department. The attached table sets out the information you require for this Agency.

(c) Administrative grades

  • Total:121
  • Female:78
  • Percentage female:64

Letter from Peter Joyce to Mr. Brian Donohoe, dated 31 May 1996: The President of the Board of Trade has asked me to reply to your question about the numbers and grades of staff and the percentage of those who are female employed by the Insolvency Service as at 1 April 1996.

Grade Male Female Total Percentage female
3 1 0 1 0
4 2 0 2 0
5 1 1 2 50
6 0 0 0 n/a
Inss Grade
A 10 0 10 0
7 1 0 1 0
Inss Grade
B 53 4 57 7
SEO 6 1 7 14
Inss Grade
C 86 29 115 25
HEO 18 13 31 42

Grade Male Female Total Percentage female
HPTO 1 0 1 0
Inss Grade
D 201 116 317 37
EO 63 61 124 49
PTO 1 0 1 0
Inss Grade
E 44 35 79 44
AO 134 191 325 59
PS 0 13 13 100
SBG1 1 1 2 50
SM3 0 1 1 100
AA 59 84 143 59
SGB2 19 5 24 21
TYP 2 137 139 99
Div. totals 703 692 1,395 50

SourceDTI PERMIS Computer Records.

Staff included in the data comprise permanent staff, staff on loan from other Government Departments, staff seconded from the private sector (who have been allocated to the grades which reflect their salaries) and staff on paid maternity and sick leave.

The data does not include casual staff and those on short term appointments from agencies.

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