HL Deb 18 December 1996 vol 576 cc141-2WA
Lord Skelmersdale

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What has been the outcome of the consultation on proposed changes to the Farm Woodland Premium Scheme and whether any conclusions have yet been reached on payment rates.

Lord Lucas

A wide range of organisations were consulted on the proposed changes to the FWPS announced to Parliament on 24th July (Official Report, col. 624). Most organisations welcomed the proposed changes, though there were a number of different, often conflicting, views. In light of the consultation we will be making some minor modifications to our original proposals and a Statutory Instrument will be laid before Parliament early next year. Subject to approval by Parliament and the European Commission, it is intended that most of the proposals will be implemented with effect from 1st April 1997. A list of the changes is being placed in the Library of the House.

The rates of payment to apply from 1st April 1996 will be as follows:

FWPS £/hectare/year FWS £/hectare/year
Land eligible for Arable Area payments
Outside of the Less 300 230
Favoured Areas
Disadvantaged Areas of the 230 180
Less Favoured Areas (DA)
Severely Disadvantaged 160 120
Areas of the Less Favoured
Areas (SDA)
Other Cropped Land and Improved Grassland
Outside of the Less 260 200
Favoured Areas
DA 200 160
SDA 140 110
Unimproved Land
Less Favoured Areas 60 30


Where land is to count against the farmer's set-aside obligation, the payment rate will be restricted to the set-aside rate.

The FWS was closed to new applicants in 1992.