HC Deb 17 December 1996 vol 287 cc512-4W
Ms Hodge

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what is the(a) design life span and (b) functional life of the Movers Lane bridge on the A13; [8060]

(2) when he expects the Renwick Road junction improvements on the A13 (i) will be started and (ii) completed; [8064]

(3) what is the annual daily flow of vehicles using the A13 this year and in each of the previous five years; [8054]

(4) what has been the cost of tendering the DBFO—design, build, finance and operate—improvements for the Roding Bridge and Movers Lane junctions on the A13; [8058]

(5) when and for what reasons the decision was taken not to build the proposed underpass for the junction of Movers Lane/River Road on the A13; [8062]

(6) how many accidents have occurred in each of the last five years on (i) the Lodge Avenue flyover on the A13 and (ii) the Movers Lane/River Road flyover on the A13;

(7) when the current traffic restrictions on the River Roding bridge and on the Movers Lane/River road on the A 13 will be lifted; [8061]

(8) what plans he has to include a slip road in the realignment of the A13 at the junction of the Scrattons Farm estate and the A13; [8063]

(9) what is the annual daily flow forecast to use the A13 in each of the next two years on (i) weekdays and (ii) weekends; [8056]

(10) what is the annual daily flow of vehicles forecast to use the realigned A13 in the first year of the road opening for (i) weekdays and (ii) weekends; [8055]

(11) what is the annual daily flow of vehicles using the A13 between the M25 and the A406 in the current year and in each of the previous five years on (i) weekdays and (ii) weekends. (8057]

Mr. Bowis

I have asked the chief executive of the Highways Agency to write to the hon. Member.

Letter from Lawrie Haynes to Ms Margaret Hodge, dated 17 December 1996: The Secretary of State for Transport has asked me to reply to your recent questions about traffic flows, accident data and other associated issues on the A13. Tenders have yet to be invited for the A13 "Thames Gateway" DBFO project and therefore tendering costs are not yet known. However, I am pleased to advise you that the Highways Agency has recently invited interest from potential bidders. This project includes the Roding Bridge strengthening. Movers Lane junction improvement and other maintenance and improvement schemes. The lane restrictions on the Roding Bridge and the weight restrictions on the Movers Lane/River Road flyover will remain in place until respectively the proposed bridge strengthening and junction improvement schemes have been implemented. The proposed underpass at the junction of the Al3 Movers Lane with River Road remains in the programme as part of the A13 Movers Lane junction improvement. The Movers Lane/River Road flyover was built in 1966 as a temporary structure with a minimum design life of fifteen years. Since 1991 vehicles using it have been restricted to 7.5 tonnes. It is well maintained and capable of serving its present function for at least another five years. For 1995, the annual average daily flow for all motor vehicles using the A13 between the M25 and the A406 ranged between 26,000 and 73,000 vehicles per day, with flows generally increasing toward the A406. Figures are only collected on a three year cycle and for 1992, they ranged between 23,000 and 66,000. Separate figures for weekdays and weekends are not available. Detailed forecasts for the existing A13 for each of the next two years are not available, but a number of factors will affect the growth of traffic on the Barking and Dagenham section of the A13. Current trends suggest that in outer London traffic growth generally could be in the order of 2%. a year. Traffic data regarding the annual average daily flow for all motor vehicles forecast to use the re-aligned Al3 in the first year of the road opening separated out for weekday and weekends is not available in the form requested. However, at the public inquiry in 1990, it was forecast that the transfer of traffic to the new A13 route would he in the region of 60% with 40% on the existing road. Given the 2 per cent growth figure mentioned above, traffic on the new road on opening would be in the region of 38,000 vehicles per day. The actual figure will depend upon the growth rates which occur and development which similarly may or may not occur.

In each of the last five years, accidents numbers for the Lodge Avenue Flyover and the Movers Lane/River Road Flyover are as follows:

Year Number of personal injury accidents
Lodge Avenue Flyover
1991 7
1992 5
1993 6
1994 4
1995 6
1996 12
Movers Lane/River Road Flyover
1991 8
1992 3
1993 8
1994 4
1995 5
1996 11
1 Up to August.

The Highways Agency has no firm dates for the start and completion of the Renwick Road junction improvement scheme. This is a development-led scheme, which cannot commence until the developer has submitted proposals to the Highways Agency and these have been accepted.

The A13 West of Heathway to Thames Avenue scheme, on which work has just started, will be connected to the existing Al3 Ripple Road at a new interchange. A link road will be built between this interchange and the Scrattons Farm Estate which will provide access to both the local and trunk road network.