HC Deb 01 November 1995 vol 265 cc248-9W
Mr. Redmond

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will list by grade the numbers of staff and their cost for(a) the financial year 1994–95 and (b) the estimated figures for the financial year 1995–96, for each executive agency for which he is responsible. [39492]

Mr. John M. Taylor

The Lord Chancellor is responsible for four executive agencies-the Court Service, the Public Trust Office, Her Majesty's Land Registry and the Public Record Office. The question concerns a specific matter on which the chief executives of the agencies are best placed to provide the answer and I have accordingly asked them to reply direct.

Letter from M. D. Huebner to Mr. Martin Redmond, dated 1 November 1995:

The Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department has asked me to reply to your Question about Court Service staff numbers and cost.The Court Service was established on 3 April 1995. There are therefore no figures for staff numbers or cost before this date.Numbers of staff in the Court Service by grade as of 26 October 1995 are as follows:

Grade 2 1
Grade 3 2
Grade 4 3
Grade 5 12
Grade 6 44
Grade 7 121
SEO 246
HEO 783
EO 1,951
AO 4,922
AA 494
Support Grades 2,045

This makes a total staff complement of 10,624, including part-time staff and those staff on maternity leave or other career breaks.The current projected paybill for the Court Service for the financial year 1995–96 is £180 million. To divide this further by grade would take up disproportionate time and cost.

Letter from John Manthorpe to Mr. Martin Redmond, dated I November 1995:

I have been asked by the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department, to reply to your recent question requesting a list, by grade, of the numbers of staff in HM Land Registry and their costs for (a) 1994–95 and (b) estimated figures for 1995–96.I can provide the following information:

1994–95 1995–96 (estimated)
Staff numbers (average number—Civil Service full time equivalents 8,585 8,221
Staff costs (including Social Security and other pension costs) £146,278,000 £144,352,000

A breakdown by grade could be provided only at a disproportionate cost.

Letter from Sarah Tyacke to Mr. Martin Redmond, dated I November 1995:

I have been asked by the Lord Chancellor's Parliamentary Secretary to reply, in respect of the Public Record Office, to your question about the numbers and cost by grade of staff of executive agencies for which he is responsible.Estimated outturn for 1994–95 and plans for 1995–96 for Public Record Office staff numbers and paybill are set out in the Departmental Report of The Lord Chancellor's and Law Officer's Departments (Cm 2809), copies of which are in the Libraries of the House. A breakdown by grade could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

Letter from Julia C. Lomas to Mr. Martin Redmond, dated 1 November 1995:

The Parliamentary Secretary has asked me to reply to you as part of the Lord Chancellor's Department response to your Parliamentary Question, listed on 24 October, regarding the numbers of staff and their cost for the financial year 1994–5 and the estimated figure for the current financial year.The estimated outturn for 1994–5 and plans for 1995–6 for this Agency's manpower and paybill are set out in my annual report, copies of which are in the Libraries of the House. A breakdown by grade could only be provided at disproportionate cost.
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