HC Deb 01 May 1995 vol 259 cc25-9W
Mr. Morley

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what action he is taking to ensure the the period 1998–1993.are as listed. Figures are not yet available for 1994.

adequate protection of migrating birds of protected species. [21116]

Sir Paul Beresford

Wild birds in the United Kingdom are protected by the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act which enacts our obligations under the EC directive on the conservation of wild birds. The Act does not permit migratory species to be hunted during their breeding or migration seasons.

The birds directive requires member states to take special conservation measures for certain vulnerable species, including the establishment of a network of special protection areas. To date 104 SPAs have been designated and more are planned.

Mr. Morley

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has made to his counterpart Ministers in the EEC concerning the shooting and trapping of protected species during migration and if he will seek to persuade them to enforce in full the provisions of the appropriate European legislation. [21117]

Sir Paul Beresford

The European Commission has proposed an amendment to the birds directive to give guidance on the hunting of migratory birds. The proposal has been considered by the Council of Ministers and has been referred to the European Parliament for an opinion. When that opinion is received, the Council of Ministers will consider its implications for the hunting of migratory birds.

Mr. Morley

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what is the number of sites which meet the criteria for designation and protection under the European Community directive on the conservation of wild birds, the number of sites so designated, the name of the site next to be designated and the date he expects to designate it; [21118]

(2) when he last designated an area under the Ramsar convention on the conservation of wetlands of international importance, which area is

UK sites classified as special protection areas under EC birds directive and wetlands of International importance under the Ramsar Convention
Name County/region Date designated Area (ha)
1. Loch Druidibeg, A'Machair Western Isles 31 August 1982 1,043.0
2. Ribble Estuary Lancashire 31 August 1982 2,182.0
3. The Swale Kent 31 August 1982 113.0
extended 17 July 1985 5,722.0
further extended 15 December 1993 421.7
4. Chesil Beach and The Fleet Dorset 17 July 1985 763.0
5. The Dee Estuary Merseyside, Cheshire and Clwyd 17 July 1985 13,055.0
6. Derwent Ings (part of Lower Derwent Valley) North Yorkshire 17 July 1985 783.0
7. Holburn Moss Northumberland 17 July 1985 22.0
8. Alt Estuary Merseyside 28 November 1985 1,160.0
9. Leighton Moss Lancashire 28 November 1985 124.0
10. Martin Mere Lancashire 28 November 1985 119.0
11. Loch Eye Highland 23 September 1986 195.0
12. Loch of Skene Grampian 23 September 1986 125.0
13. Rockliffe Marshes (Pt Upper Solway Flats and Marshes) Cumbria 23 September 1986 1,897.0
14. Chichester and Langstone Harbours Hampshire/Sussex 28 October 1987 5,764.0
15. Upper Severn Estuary Gloucestershire 5 February 1988 1,357.0
16. The Wash Lines/Norfolk 30 March 1988 63,124.0
17. Pagham Harbour West Sussex 30 March 1988 615.0
18. Din Moss—Hoselaw Loch Borders 14 July 1988 45.7
19. Gladhouse Reservoir Lothian 14 July 1988 186.5
20. Bridgend Flats, Islay Strathclyde 14 July 1988 331.0
21. Duich Moss, Islay Strathclyde 14 July 1988 574.0
22. Gruinart Flats, Islay Strathclyde 14 July 1988 3,170.0
23. North Norfolk Coast Norfolk 20 January 1989 7,700.0
24. Fala Flow Midlothian 25 April 1990 323.0
25. Glac-na-Criche Islay 25 April 1990 265.0
26. Feur Lochain Islay 25 April 1990 384.1
27. Rutland Water Leics 4 October 1991 1,540.0
28. Abberton Reservoir Essex 5 December 1991 716.3
29. Walmore Common Gloucs 5 December 1991 51.4
30. Exe Estuary Devon 11 March 1992 2,388.6
31. Lindisfarne Northumberland 11 March 1992 3,625.2
32. Old Hall Marshes Essex 11 March 1992 627.1
33. Minsmere-Walberswick Suffolk 19 May 1992 2,000.3
34. Burry Inlet Dyfed/W Glam 14 July 1992 6,660.0
35. Loch Ken and Dee Marshes Dumfries and Galloway 31 August 1992 773.4
36. Loch Spynie Grampian 31 August 1992 93.0
37. Upper Solway Flats and Marshes Cumbria, Dumfries and Galloway 30 November 1992 28,053.0
38. Nene Washes Cambs 5 March 1993 1,310.0
39. Ouse Washes Cambs/Norfolk 5 March 1993 2,372.0
40. Gibraltar Point (Wash Phase II) Lincolnshire 5 March 1993 414.0
41. South Tayside Goose Roosts Tayside 22 April 1993 408.7

next to be designated and when he expects to designate it; [21119]

(3) if he will list those special protection areas, under the EC birds directive, as well as those Ramsar sites and areas with dual designation for the protection of birds. [21120/95]

Sir Paul Beresford

The list of those areas identified on the basis of scientific evidence as potentially qualifying for classification as special protection areas is currently under review. The list will be published in due course and a copy will be placed in the Library. The next English site to be designated is expected to be placed in the Blackwater estuary in Essex. It is a SPA and Ramsar site. An announcement will be made shortly.

We announced the listing of two Ramsar sites at the end of March 1995: River Crouch marshes, Essex, was listed on 24 March and Coll, Strathclyde, was listed on 31 March.

The United Kingdom has designated 104 special protection areas and listed 88 Ramsar sites. The following 62 sites have dual SPA/Ramsar designation:

UK sites classified as special protection areas under EC birds directive and wetlands of International importance under the Ramsar Convention
Name County/region Date designated Area (ha)
42. Hamford Water Essex 8 June 1993 2,179.3
43. Lower Derwent Valley N Yorks and Humberside 8 June 1993 306.4
44. New Forest Hampshire 22 September 1993 28,001.2
45. Medway Estuary Kent 15 December 1993 4,681.8
46. Stodmarsh Kent 16 December 1993 481.3
47. Benfleet and Southend Marshes Essex 14 February 1994 2,251.3
48. Thursley, Hankley and Frensham Commons (Wealden Heaths Phase I) Surrey/Hants 14 February 1994 1,869.9
49. Cameron Reservoir Fife 14 March 1994 64.4
50. Dengie (Mid-Essex Coast Phase I) Essex 24 March 1994 3,127.2
51. Loch of Kinnordy Tayside 29 March 1994 86.0
52. Stour and Orwell Essex/Suffolk 13 July 1994 3,334.1
53. Humber Flats and Marshes Humberside and Lincs 28 July 1994 15,230.3
54. Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay Kent 28 July 1994 1,877.0
55. Colne (Mid-Essex Coast Phase II) Essex 28 July 1994 2,701.4
56. Loch Maree Highland 19 September 1994 3,100.0
57. Broadland Norfolk/Suffolk 21 September 1994 4,645.9
58. Montrose Basin Tayside 3 February 1995 987.0
59. Ribble and Alt Estuaries Phase II Lancashire/Merseyside 16 February 1995 8,768.4
60. Portsmouth Harbour Hampshire 28 February 1995 1,248.4
61. River Crouch Marshes Essex 24 March 1995 905.7
62. Coll Strathclyde 31 March 1995 2,291.9
Total 250,735.0

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