HC Deb 03 March 1995 vol 255 cc746-7W
Mr. Andrew Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will estimate the cost to his Department's budget, and to local authorities' self-financed expenditure in 1995–96 of implementing in full the recommendations of(a) the School Teachers Review Body; (b) the Review Body on Doctors and Dentists Remuneration; and (c) the Review Body on Nursing Staff, Midwives, Health Visitors and Professions Allied to Medicine, assuming no changes in staff numbers.

Mr. Moss

The remit of the School Teachers Review Body does not extend to Northern Ireland, where the pay and conditions of service of school teachers are dealt with in local negotiating machinery.

Estimated costs of implementing the recommendations of the other review bodies are as follows:

Main pay increase Per cent. Estimatedpay bill cost'1£ million
DDRB (doctors and dentists)2 2.5–3.0 4.4
NPRB (nurse and midwives) 1.5–3.03 3.9–7.9
(PAM's) 1.5–3.03 0.5–0.9
1 Pay bill costings include employers' national insurance and superannuation payments.
2 Plus up to 2.5 per cent, on average salaries for consultants under transitional local pay arrangements.
3 Comprising 1 per cent, on national pay scales and the NPRB estimate of additional amounts likely to result from local pay negotiations.