HC Deb 28 June 1995 vol 262 cc651-2W
Mr. Betts

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department by how much Government spending has changed in 1994–95 as a result of the private finance initiative; what is the estimated effect in 1995–96; how many jobs are to be created by schemes approved to date and how many jobs have been lost as a consequence in the public sector; and what is the forecast transfer of employment from public to private sector over the last five years because of the initiative. [30837]

Number of visits in 1993–94 (million) Forecast number of visits in 1994–95 (million)
National Museums and Galleries of Wales 0.96 0.87
1 These are actual figures. It is not possible to identify the number of visits to the Royal Armouries because at present it forms part of the Tower of London.