HL Deb 21 June 1995 vol 565 cc13-4WA
Lord Trefgarne

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will report on the outcome of the Foreign Affairs Council.

Lord Inglewood

The 'A' points listed in document 7775/95, a copy of which has been placed in the Library of the House, were adopted unanimously.

The Commission was mandated to conclude the negotiations with Israel on a new agreement and report to the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER).

The Council approved the initialling of a Europe Agreement with Slovenia.

On Former Yugoslavia, the Council expressed appreciation for the contribution of Lord Owen and welcomed his successor, Mr. Bildt. Agreement was given to open negotiations with Croatia for a Trade and Co-operation Agreement.

The Presidency concluded that the situation in Chechnya did not yet allow the EU to proceed with signature of the Interim Agreement with Russia. But the Council agreed to keep the question under review, and to prepare to sign the agreement as soon as possible.

The Presidency outlined subjects for discussion at the European Council at Cannes.

The Council agreed to the disbursement of the first tranche (200 million ecu) of a balance of payments loan to the Ukraine.

The Council agreed that negotiations should be opened for Partnership and Co-operation agreements with the countries of the Transcaucasus, and to open exploratory talks with Uzbekistan.

There was a further discussion of the European Development Fund. The subject was referred to COREPER for further work.

The Commission reported on the state of play in negotiations for Agreements with Morocco and Egypt, and announced details of a new Mediterranean Financial Regulation. There was a brief exchange over lunch on the forthcoming Barcelona Euro-Med Conference.

Negotiating directives for an EU/MERCOSUR Framework Agreement, plus an accompanying political declaration, were agreed.

Agreement was reached on negotiating directives for a long-term agreement with South Africa, subject to the solution of one outstanding problem by COREPER.

There was a discussion of free trade areas, and the subject was remitted to COREPER for further discussion.

The Council agreed that, if Canada dropped its threatened retaliation over compensation for tariff increases resulting from EU enlargement, the Community would introduce tariff reductions on newsprint.

Sir Leon Brittan reported on subjects on the agenda of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The Council took note without debate, and endorsed the procedural conclusions on trade and social standards agreed previously in COREPER.

The Council agreed, following a vote, the Commission's proposed negotiating directives for the revision of the protocols of textiles with the Central and Eastern European countries. Italy, Portugal and Greece were opposed, and made minutes statements.

A copy of the Council's conclusions will be placed in the Libraries of the House as soon as it is received by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.