§ Mr. FoulkesTo ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what provision he has made in his NHS capital programme for the community hospital in south-east Ayrshire. [27381]
§ Lord James Douglas-HamiltonA provisional sum of £4.0 million has been identified within the overall capital programme for Scotland in 1995–96 for the south-east Ayrshire community hospital, with a further £9 million provision in subsequent years. The availability of these monies is dependent on the outcome of Ayrshire and Arran health board's consultation on the siting of the service, submission and approval of a business case for the scheme and full exploration of private finance, which, if successful, will release identified public funds for other uses.
Qualified nurses1 directly employed by the NHS in Scotland; hospital and community; by type of contract; at 30 September Whole-time Part-time Total numbers Whole-time equivalent 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 Total2 3 4 25,075 24,849 16,048 16,358 41,123 41,207 34,853.9 34,949.3 Trusts5 8,729 21,935 5,622 14,098 14,351 36,033 12,051.1 30,639.8 1 Comprises senior nurse managers and qualified nurses working in hospital and community. Some senior nurse managers have been transferred on to new A and C senior manager scales and are not included in these figures. 2 Excludes the following groups of nurses; working for the state hospital, Carstairs, the Common Services Agency or health boards; nurses in training, nurse teachers, agency and bank nurses. 3 Includes DMUs. 4 Health boards may purchase health care from the private sector. Nurses employed in the private sector to fulfil such contracts are not included in the data. 5 There were 17 NHS trusts at 30 September 1993 and 39 at 30 September 1994.