HC Deb 07 June 1995 vol 261 cc222-6W
Mr. Jacques Arnold

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union. [27754]

Mr. David Davis

The information is as follows:


  • June 1: Development Council
  • Energy Council
  • June 6: Internal Market Council
  • June 9: Research Council
  • June 12: FAC
  • June 13: FAC Telecom
  • June 15: Fisheries Council
  • June 17: FAC
  • June 19: Transport Council
  • June 20: Transport Council
  • Justice and Home Affairs Council
  • June 21: Justice and Home Affairs Council
  • Culture/Audiovisual Council
  • June 22: Environment Council
  • June 23: Environment Council
  • June 26: Agriculture Council
  • June 27: Agriculture Council
  • June 29: Social Affairs Council

2. The following subjects were discussed: June I: Development Council

  • Adoption of the agenda.
  • (Poss) Approval of the list of "A" items.
  • Follow-up to the statement of 18 November 1992 on co-operation and development up to 2000.
    1. a) Complementarity between the development policies and actions of the Union and its Member States.
    2. b) Consistency between the various Community policies.
    3. c) Operational co-ordination.
    • Structural adjustment Draft resolution.
    • Regional Integration Draft statement.
    • Research in Developing Countries Draft statement.
    • Evaluation.
    • Development Co-operation with South Africa Draft conclusion.
    • Basic rules on Humanitarian. Aid.
    • Progress of discussions on:
    • Actions on rehabilitation assistance
    • Migration and Development
  • Rwanda.
  • Other business.

June 1: Energy Council

  • Internal market in electricity: Council conclusions.
  • Trans-European energy networks: possible common positions on guidelines and supporting measures.
  • Energy policy Green Paper: Council Resolution.
  • Thermie II: possible decision.
  • Energy efficiency of fridges and freezers: progress report.
  • Under "Any Other Business": Energy Charter: progress report; and energy dimension to the Euro-Mediterranean Conference: exchange of views/possible Council Conclusions.

June 6: Internal Market Council

  • White Paper on extending Single Market to the CEEs: discussion amongst the 15 on White Paper, followed by session (and lunch) with CEE and Baltic Ministers.
  • Operation of the Single Market (routine presentation and discussion of implementation figures and annual report on Single Market, plus announcement of Commission plans for "Citizens Guide to Single Market").

  • Deregulation: progress report on Molitor group.
  • Uniform application and effectiveness of Single Market rules and national penalties for violations of them: Council Resolution.
  • Draft decision on notification of national decisions derogating from free movement of goods (which sets up a procedure to identify cases where mutual recognition does not occur)—common position.
  • Customs 2000: orientation debate on draft decision establishing a programme of practical measures to ensure customs rules work effectively.
  • Legal Protection of Database Directive: common position.
  • Community Designs Regulation; progress report.
  • European Co-operative Society: progress report on draft Directive and Regulation establishing common rules for European Co-ops.
  • Bankruptcy Convention: political agreement.
  • Novel foodstuffs: common position on directive introducing EC rules for genetically modified foodstuffs.

The following subjects are likely to be discussed: June 9: Research Council

  • Council Resolution on Research Co-ordination.
  • EC/Switzerland Scientific and Technical Co-operation Agreement.
  • EC/Israel Co-operation Agreement.
  • Task Forces.
  • Fourth Framework Programme Enlargement Increase Orientation Debate.
  • ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) plus joint meeting with Associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

June 12–13: Foreign Affairs Council

  • Draft Agenda:
  • Preparation of the Cannes European Council.
  • Racism and Xenophobia: global strategy of the Union.
  • Relations with the CEEs:
    • Implementation of the pro-accession strategy White Paper
  • Relations with the Baltic States:
    • Decision on signature of the Association Agreement (possible A point)
  • Lome mid-term review: EDF VIII
  • Mediterranean policy:
    • Adoption of report on preparation of the Euro-Med Conference
    • (possible) Tunisia: decision on signature of new agreement
    • (possible) Israel: conclusion of negotiations on new agreement
    • State of negotiations with Morocco and Egypt
    • (possible) Lebanon: adoption of negotiating directives
  • Turkey:
    • Adoption of draft common position on EC/Turkey Customs Union
    • Decision to seek consent of European Parliament
  • Relations with Cyprus:
    • Adoption of Union position at EC/Cyprus Association Council
    • Decision on signature of fourth financial protocol
  • Relations with Malta:
    • Adoption of Union position at EC/Malta Association Council
    • Decision on signature of fourth financial protocol
  • Relations with Russia.
  • Relations with Ukraine.
  • Relations with certain republics of the former Soviet Union.
  • Former Yugoslavia.
  • Commercial questions.
  • Free trade areas.
  • (possible) WTO code of conduct.
  • Negotiations in the WTO framework.
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  • Preparation of Halifax G7 summit and meetings with US and Japan.
  • South Africa.
  • Negotiating directives for a trade and co-operation agreement and protocol to the Lomé Convention.
  • GSP agriculture.
  • (possible) Relations with Mercosur.
  • Adoption of negotiating directives for an inter-regional framework co-operation agreement.
  • Relations with Chile:
    • Commission strategy paper on strengthening EU/Chile relations.
    • Vietnam (possible):
    • Conclusion of negotiations on a co-operation agreement
  • Euratom/US nuclear energy agreement (possible)
  • In the margins:
  • Association Council with Cyprus
  • Association Council with Malta

June 13: Telecoms Council

  • Council Resolution on Infrastructure Green Paper (Part 2).
  • Council Resolution on Mobile Telephony.
  • Council Resolution on Postal Services.
  • ONP Voice Telephony Directive: common position.
  • Council Conclusions on Article 90 Cable Network Directive.

June 15: Fisheries Council

  • Western waters effort regulation.
  • Driftnets.
  • Socio-economic measures (possible).
  • Amendment to technical conservation measures.
  • UN Conference on stradling stocks (possible).

June 19: ECOFIN

  • Preparation for European Council (Cannes—26–27 June).
  • Broad economic guidelines (recommendation for 1995–96 and consideration of implementation 1994–95).
  • Essen follow-up (likely to include employment policy).
  • Decisions on excessive deficits.
  • Regulation on protection of the Community's financial interests.
  • Examination of Member States' reports on measures to combat fraud and waste.
  • Green paper on transition to a single currency (discussion).
  • Macro—financial assistance to third countries.
  • Biofuels: draft directive on excise duty relief for biofuels.


  • reduced rate for cut flowers;
  • approximation of rates (Commission report).

Statistical questions;

  • European System of National and Regional Accounts.
  • Harmonising consumer price indices.

  • Cross-border payments: agreement on common position.
  • EIB lending to South Africa (possible A point).
  • TENS financing (possible).
  • CO2/energy tax: orientation debate (possible).
  • European Investment Bank: a meeting of EIB Board of Governors will be held on the same day.

June 19–20: Transport Council

  • Maritime:
  • Maritime statistics directive—adoption.
  • Ro-Ro Ferry Safety—Regulation on early implementation of International Safety Management Code (ISM)—Common position. (possible) Resolution on shipping external relations.
  • Aviation:
  • EC/US relations.
  • Airport ground handling—orientation debate.
  • Mutual recognition for aviation components—Council Conclusions.
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  • Land, etc:
  • Trans-European Networks—consideration of EP Opinion.
  • High speed rail interoperability—common position.
  • Tachographs—orientation debate.
  • Harmonisation of road signs—resolution.
  • Telematics—resolution.
  • Railway licensing and access directives—adoption of common position in light of EP opinion.
  • (possible) Transport research—resolution.

June 20–21: Justice and Home Affairs Council

  • Europol Convention.
  • Fraud against the Community Budget.
  • Common Visa List.
  • Brussels (2) Convention.
  • Title VI Finance.

June 21: Culture/Audiovisual Council

  • Revision of Broadcasting Directive: orientation debate.
  • Media II: orientation debate.
  • New financial instrument for the Audiovisual Sector.

June 22–23: Environment Council

  • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC).
  • Air Quality Framework Directive.
  • Wildlife Trade (CITES) Regulation.
  • Major Accident Hazards (Seveso II) Directive.
  • Climate Change.
  • Ecological Quality of Water Directive.
  • Biocides Directive.
  • LIFE Programme (Financial Instrument on the Environment).
  • Waste Shipment Regulation.
  • Negotiating Mandate on the Basle Convention.
  • Nuclear safety in the Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Priority Waste Streams: End-of-life Vehicles.
  • JEPS (Joint Environment Programmes).

June 26–27: Agriculture Council

  • Price fixing.
  • Cotton.
  • Italian, Spanish and Greek milk quota.
  • Reform of the wine sector (possible).
  • Agrimony (possible).
  • Reform of the rice regime (possible). Animal welfare.
  • Trade in bovines (amending 64/432).
  • Feedingstuffs (possible).
  • Hormones (possible).

June 29: Labour and Social Affairs

  • Essen follow-up on employment.
  • Draft Directive on Posted Workers.
  • Draft Directive on Use of Work Equipment.
  • Draft Decision on Programme to Combat Social Exclusion.
  • Draft Decision on Action to support Older People.
  • Draft amendments to Regulation 1408/71 (Social Security).
  • Resolution on Older Workers.
  • Conclusions on the Quality of Vocational Training.
  • Presidency Report on amendments to Acquired Rights Directive.