HC Deb 06 June 1995 vol 261 c15W
Ms Hodge

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, (1) what changes there have been in the number of staff in employment by grade in (i) the Northern Ireland Office and (ii) each agency for which the Northern Ireland Office is responsible in(a) 1993–94 and (b) 1994–95; and what are the projected figures for 1995–96; [25424]

(2) what changes there have been in the number of staff employed by (a) his office and (b) each agency for which his office is responsible in (i) 1993–94 and (ii) 1994–95; and what are the projected figures for 1995–96; [25557]

(3) how many staff of (a) the Northern Ireland Office and (b) agencies for which the Northern Ireland Office is responsible were employed on a casual or short-term basis in (i) 1993–94 and (ii) 1994–95; and what are the projected figures for 1995–96. [25502]

Sir John Wheeler

The numbers of permanent and casual staff employed by the Northern Ireland Office and each of its executive agencies in 1993–94, projected outturn for 1994–95 and plans for 1995–96 are published in "Northern Ireland Ependiture Plans and Priorities", copy of which is available in the Library of the House. No projections broken down by grade are available.

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