HC Deb 19 July 1995 vol 263 cc1238-9W
Mr. Sykes

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the recent meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council. [36380]

Mr. David Davis

The Council opened with a general debate on the presidency's programme for their term of office. My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State made a statement, the text of which is available in the Library of the House.

The A points listed in document 8853/95, which will be deposited in the Library of the House as soon as it is available, were adopted unanimously.The Council took note of the European Parliament resolutions in documents 8507/95 (PE-RE 49) and 8160/95 (PE-RE 45). Copies of these documents will be deposited in the Library of the House as soon as they are received.Members of the Council acting as an inter-governmental conference reappointed six judges and replaced one judge on the court of first instance.The EU/Tunisia Euro-Mediterranean Association agreement and the EC/Vietnam co-operation agreement were signed in the margins of the Council.The proposed EU/Croatia trade and co-operation agreement was referred to COREPER for further work.On Bosnia, future aid requirements were discussed, and Council conclusions agreed.The EC/Russia interim agreement was signed in the margins of the Council.Second meetings of association councils with Hungary and Poland took place. Discussions in both focused on the pre-accession process.Agreement was reached on terms for concluding the negotiations with Israel for a new agreement with the EU.The Commission gave a brief progress report on the negotiations for new agreements with Morocco and Egypt.The Council confirmed the appointment of Mr. Carl Lidbom, a former Swedish Minister, as head of the EU electoral unit for the Palestinian elections.The Commission presented a communication on the future of EU/Cuba relations, which was remitted to COREPER for further work.The presidency reported on an informal trilogue that had taken place on 12 July between themselves, the Commission, and the European Parliament.The Council agreed that the presidency should acknowledge the requests for accession by Romania and Slovakia.The Council reached agreement in principle on a proposal to provide food aid to certain Republics of the Former Soviet Union.The Commission reported that it was working on a communication on EU/US relations, to be delivered at the October Council.The Council agreed conclusions on export credits which envisage a substantive debate at the October Council.Agreement was reached in principle on the EURATOM/US agreement on nuclear trade.Finally, the Council agreed unanimously that the Commission should pursue an interim agreement in the WTO financial services negotiations.

A copy of the Council conclusions will be placed in the Library of the House as soon as they are received by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

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