HC Deb 13 July 1995 vol 263 cc776-82W
Mr. Matthew Banks

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list the entitlements for 1995–96 resulting from the carry forward of underspends allowed under the end-year flexibility schemes for capital, running costs, health, Ministry of Defence operating costs and Jubilee line extension expenditure. [34722]

Mr. Waldegrave

A list of entitlements, totalling £331 million for capital expenditure, £500 million for running costs; £371 million for health expenditure, £83 million for Ministry of Defence operating costs expenditure and £49 million for expenditure on the Jubilee line extension is shown in the table.

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimates, individual cash limits and running costs limits will be increased when entitlement is taken up.

Entitlement for 1995–96 cash limits resulting from the carryover of capital underspends Cash limits on votes
Class Vote Accounting department Description of expenditure £ thousand
I 3 Ministry of Defence Systems procurement and research 99,931
II 1 Foreign and Commonwealth Office Overseas representation 2,114
II 3 Foreign and Commonwealth Office BBC World Service 3,015
II 4 Foreign and Commonwealth Office The British Council 2,000
III 3 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Operational expenditure 2,000
III 4 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Departmental administration and agencies 60
IV 1 Department of Trade and Industry Programmes and administration 3,313
IV 11 Office of Electricity Regulation Office of Electricity Regulation 229
V 1 Department of Employment Programmes and central services 2,000
V 3 Department of Employment Health and Safety Commission and Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service 305
VI 1 Department of Transport Highways Agency 11,831
VI 4 Department of Transport Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 2,000
VI 5 Department of Transport Roads and local transport 1,787
VI 8 Office of the Rail Regulator Office of the Rail Regulator 162
VII 3 Department of the Environment Environmental protection and water 1,547
VII 5 Department of the Environment Administration 2,000
VII 6 Office of Water Services Office of Water Services 265
VII 7 Ordnance Survey Ordnance Survey 1,942
IX 2 Northern Ireland Court Service Northern Ireland Court Service 1,727
IX 3 Public Record Office Public Record Office 2,000
IX 7 The Crown Office, Scotland The Crown Office, Scotland and Lord Advocate's Department 2,000
X 1 Department for Education Schools, research and miscellaneous services 1,796
X 3 Department for Education Administration 1,175
XI 1 Department of National Heritage Programme expenditure and administration 2,320
XII 4 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 635
XIII 4 Department of Social Security Administration and miscellaneous services 13,605
XIV 1 Scottish Office of Agriculture and Fisheries Department Agriculture and fisheries, Scotland 2,000
XIV 2 Scottish Office Industry Department Training programmes, roads and transport services, industrial and regional support, Scotland 16,961
XIV 5 Scottish Office Environment Department Housing and environmental services, Scotland 151
XIV 10 Scottish Office Home and Health Department Law, order, miscellaneous health and social work services, Scotland 772
XIV 15 Scottish Office Education Department Education, arts and libraries, Scotland 2,000
XIV 17 Scottish Courts Administration Administration of Justice, Scotland 2,000
XIV 18 Scottish Office Scottish Office administration 720
XIV 19 Scottish Record Office Scottish Record Office 214
XIV 20 General Register Office for Scotland General Register Office for Scotland 553
XV 2 Welsh Office (1) Industrial support, Development Board for Rural Wales, housing subsidy, training and education, Wales 7,527
XV 3 Welsh Office Roads and transport, housing, other environmental services, arts and libraries, health and personal social services and Welsh Office administration, Wales 5,979
XVI 1 Northern Ireland Office Administration, law, order, protective and miscellaneous services 2,949
XVII 1 HM Treasury HM Treasury 2,000
XVII 5 Inland Revenue Valuation Office (Executive Agency): administration 514
XVII 8 Department for National Savings Department for National Savings 1,136
XVII 11 The Office of HM Paymaster General The Office of HM Paymaster General 1,423
XVII 12 Central Statistical Office Central Statistical Office 854
XVIII 1 Cabinet Office Office of Public Service and Science 645
XVIII 2 Cabinet Office Office of Public Service and Science: science 5,606
XIX 1 Cabinet Office Cabinet Office: other services 1,227
XIX 2 Cabinet Office Security and intelligence services 3,242
Total voted 220,233

The total increase in cash limits resulting from the take-up of end-year flexibility will be charged to the reserve and will not therefore add to the planned total of public expenditure.

Cash limits on non-voted expenditure
Cash Block Accounting department Description of expenditure £ thousands
Department of the Environment Grants and capital expenditure financed by the Housing Corporation in England. 51
DOE/HC Department of the Environment Net capital expenditure by the Commission for the New Towns and Letchworth Garden City Development Corporation for housing, roads, commercial and industrial investment and certain water services. 683
DOE/NT Department of the Environment Grants under the Single Regeneration Budget to local authorities and other bodies (including local authority credit approvals), external financing requirements under the Single Regeneration Budget of Urban Development Corporations in England, Housing Action Trusts and the Urban Regeneration Agency (also known as English Partnerships), and other grants promoting urban regeneration (including local authority credit approvals). 22,313
DOE/RCW Department of the Environment Basic credit approvals to local authorities in England for housing, transport (except passenger transport authorities), education, health, 'other services' and Home Office (fire services in shires only). Supplementary credit approvals, specified capital grants and certain other grants to local authorities in England for housing. 993
DOE/LACAP Department of Environment Supplementary credit approvals for other environmental services in England, Lee Valley Regional Park Authority and the Isles of Scilly (water and sewerage). 2,310
DOE/OES Home Office Supplementary credit approvals for probation, fire and police in England and Wales. Basic credit approvals for fire (Joint FCDAs only) in England. 92
Department of Transport Supplementary credit approvals for transport in' England. Basic credit approvals for passenger transport authorities. Supplementary credit approvals to cover local authority expenditure which will be reimbursed by ERDF grant. 10,149
DOH/LACAP Department of Health Supplementary credit approvals for health in England. 1,305
Lord Chancellor's Department Supplementary credit approvals for magistrates' courts (England and Wales). 724
MAFF/LACAP Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food Supplementary credit approvals for flood defence, coast protection and harbour improvements in England. 721
Northern Ireland Departments Services in Northern Ireland broadly analogous to services in Great Britain covered by cash limits but including family practitioner services. 10,581
Northern Ireland Departments Expenditure in Northern Ireland on national agriculture capital grant schemes, certain assistance for production, marketing and processing and the fishing industry. 670
Scottish Office Net capital allocations and grants to local authorities in Scotland for roads and transport, water and sewerage, police, education, social work services, general services, urban programme and river purification. 31,111
Scottish Office Net capital allocations and grants to local authorities in Scotland for housing. Capital expenditure by New Towns in Scotland for housing and other environmental services. 13,810
Welsh Office Basic credit approvals for local authorities in Wales. Supplementary credit approvals for all services (except ERDF projects). Strategic Development Scheme grants (both capital and current) and some housing grants. 13,269
Welsh Office Capital grants and net lending both to Housing for Wales and by housing for Wales to housing associations. Special Needs Management Allowance. 2,300
Total non voted cash limits 111,082
Total capital end year flexibility 331,315
Entitlement for 1995–96 cash limits and external finance limits resulting from the carryover of underspends on health expenditure
Class Vote Accounting department Description of expenditure £ thousands
XII 1 Department of Health Hospital, community health, family health services (part), related services, England 232,136
XII 2 Department of Health Administration, miscellaneous health services and personal social services, England 26,296
Entitlement for 1995–96 cash limits and external finance limits resulting from the carryover of underspends on health expenditure
Class Vote Accounting department Description of expenditure £ thousands
XIV 10 The Scottish Home and Health Department Law, order and miscellaneous health and social work services, Scotland 1,609
XIV 12 The Scottish Home and Health Department Hospital, community health, family health (part), and other health services and NHS 35,819
XV 3 Welsh Office Roads and transport, housing, other environmental services, arts and libraries, health and personal social services and Welsh Office administration, Wales 1,259
XV 5 Welsh Office Hospital, community health, family health services (part) and related services, Wales 24,438
NHS Trusts (Scotland) Scottish Office 22,921
NHS Trusts (Wales) Welsh Office 4,224
NID 1 Northern Ireland Office Services in Northern Ireland broadly analogous to services in Great Britain covered by cash limits but including family practitioner services 10,719
Medicines Control Agency 12,000
Total health end year flexibility 371,331
Entitlements for 1995–96 running costs limits resulting from the carryforward of running costs underspends
Department £ thousand
Overseas Development Administration 3,598
Intervention Board—Executive Agency 2,791
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 6,778
Trade and Industry 12,700
Office of Fair Trading 745
Office of Telecommunications 303
Office of Electricity Regulation 1,738
Department of Employment 41.003
Department of Transport 20,256
Department of the Environment 24,854
Property Holdings 4,838
Office of Water Services 819
Home Office 26,315
Charity Commission 732
Lord Chancellor's Department 549
Northern Ireland Court Service 327
Crown Prosecution Service 6,026
Public Record Office 160
Serious Fraud Office 878
Treasury Solicitor's Department 2,105
Crown Office 2,076
Department for Education 7,774
Department of National Heritage 3,206
Department of Health 20,550
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 1,281
Department of Social Security 102,349
Scottish Office 8,940
Scottish Courts Administration 2,584
Scottish Record Office 782
General Register Office 439
Welsh Office 491
Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools in Wales 250
Northern Ireland Office and Departments 29,877
Her Majesty's Treasury 11,405
Customs and Excise 40,434
Inland Revenue 89,433
Registry of Friendly Societies 459
Department for National Savings 2,607
Central Statistical Office 76
Office of Public Service and Science 13,590
Cabinet Office 3,147
Privy Council Office 428
Total running costs 499,693
Entitlements for 1995–96 running costs limits resulting from the carryforward of running costs underspends
Department £ thousand
Entitlement for the Ministry of Defence resulting from the carryover of underspends on operating costs 82,887
Entitlement for the Jubilee Line extension 49,300


Following the machinery of Government changes announced by the Prime Minister on 5 July 1995, there will be some reallocation of EYF entitlements between departments. Details will be announced at the appropriate times.

1. Part of this entitlement may be taken up on Class XV, Vote 1 Agriculture and fisheries, Wales.