HC Deb 04 July 1995 vol 263 cc101-2W
Mr. Allen

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what is the Government's policy on the revised television without frontiers directive. [31954]

Mr. Dorrell

The Commission's proposal for a new directive to amend the television without frontiers dDirective (89/552/EEC) was communicated to the Council on 14 June and is under consideration in a Council working group of officials. My Department will shortly be seeking the views of the UK industry on the proposals; and on explanatory memorandum will be provided in the usual way.

I have made it clear on a number of occasions that, while the Government welcome many of the changes to the 1989 directive proposed by the Commission, we are strongly opposed to the proposed changes to the quota regime on programme content. And so are most of our partners.

Mr. Allen

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what has been the change in the level of ITV's spending on programming over the last five years in real terms. [31918]

Mr. Dorrell

For ITV networked programmes the ITV network centre spending budgets for each of the years 1993–95, expressed in real terms at 1995 prices, deflated by HM Treasury GDP market prices deflator of 27 June 1995, were:

  • 1993: £539.8 million
  • 1994: £544.2 million
  • 1995: £552 million (provisional)

Comparable figures for 1991 and 1992 are not readily available and could be obtained only at disproportionate costs.

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