HC Deb 02 February 1995 vol 253 cc778-9W
Mr. Peter Atkinson

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what changes he proposes to make to his Department's cash limits and running costs limits for 1994–95.

Mr. Dorrell

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimates, the following changes will be made:

  1. (i) The cash limit of class XI, vote 1, museums and galleries, will be increased by £4,226,000 from £223,122,000 to £227,348,000 to increase provision for the Government indemnity scheme by £200,000 and for assets accepted in lieu of tax by £4,160,000.
  2. (ii) The cash limit for class XI, vote 3, libraries, will be increased by £6,500,000 from £139,303,000 to £145,803,000 to increase provision for British Library St. Pancras project.
  3. (iii) The provision for class XI, vote 4, home broadcasting, will be increased by £8,438,000 from £1,826,205,000 to £1,834,643,000 to provide extra funds for the British Broadcasting Corporation of £10,107,000, additional provision for the Independent Television Commission to reimburse certain independent television companies who paid excess levy to the consolidated fund in 1992 of 779 £330,000, and to meet certain reimbursement costs in respect of the overpayment of television broadcasting licence fees of £390,000.
  4. (iv) The cash limit for class XI, vote 5, film, tourism, sport and broadcasting, will be increased by £3,122,000 from £129,653,000 to £132,775,000 to reflect the increased receipts in respect of tourism grant repayments of £250,000, the appropriation in aid of certain receipts from the Sports Council of £459,000, increased provision for the Broadcasting Standards Council and for broadcasting regulatory services of £1,244,000, and to provide provision for the commemorations to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of world war II of £3,000,000.
  5. (v) The cash limit for class XI, vote 6, royal palaces, Historic Royal Palaces Agency, Royal Parks Agency, historic buildings, ancient monuments and national heritage, will be increased by £2,154,000 from £194,962,000 to £197,116,000. The increase is the net result of additional provision of £1,438,000 for urgent capital works and maintenance expenditure on certain historic buildings and £100,000 in the Royal Parks; and to cover the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England superannuation costs of £675,000.
  6. (vi) The cash limit for class XI, vote 7, administration, has been increased by £283,000 from £21,600,000 to £21,883,000. This is required to provide for the transfer of functions of the conservation unit from the Department of the Environment to the Department of National Heritage. As a result, the Department's gross running cost limit will be increased by £281,000 from £27,928,000 to £28,209,000.
  7. (vii) The cash limit for class XI, vote 8, Office of the National Lottery, has been increased by £500,000 from £2,500,000 to £3,000,000. This is required to meet the capital costs of setting up Oflot's new offices and as a result of firmer costs being produced for consultancy, professional arid legal advice associated with the grant of licences. Consequently, the Departments running costs limit will be increased by £266,000 from £2,070,000 to £2,336,000. A sum equal to the net provision required will be paid from the national lottery distribution fund to the consolidated fund as extra receipts.
  8. (viii) The increases will be offset by savings and charges to the reserve, and will not therefore add to the planned total of public expenditure.

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