HC Deb 26 October 1994 vol 248 cc676-7W
Ms Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment (1) how many respondents to the training for work leavers survey and the youth training leavers survey were early leavers, showing the reasons for early leaving, by total and by percentage of all leavers in the survey, by total and by percentage of all leavers in the survey, for the year 1993–94, or the most recent available period, and for each region and for Great Britain as a whole, shown separately for male, female and in total;

(2) what number and percentage of those leaving (a) training for work and (b) youth training for 1993–94 for each region and for Great Britain as a whole were, six months after leaving, (a) in a full-time job with their work experience employer, (b) in a full-time job with another employer, (c) employed in their own business, (d) in a part-time job, (e) in voluntary work,(f) on another Government training programme, (g) on a full-time education or training course, (h) unemployed and claiming benefit, (i) unemployed and not claiming benefit, (j) in a job club and (k) doing something else;

(3) for each region and for Great Britain as a whole how many people were participating in (a) training for work—employment training/employment action, (b) community action, (c) learning for work, (d) workstart pilots, (e) north Norfolk action, (f) the business start-up allowance and (g) youth training in each month since March 1994, and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Paice

As the information is contained in a number of tables, I will write to the hon. Member and place a copy of my reply in the Library.