HC Deb 18 October 1994 vol 248 cc187-8W
Mrs. Ewing

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how much has been spent by his Department in each of the last three years to(a) produce public information in alternative formats for visually impaired people and (b) publicise the availability of accessible information among visually impaired people.

Mr. Jack

As part of its wider "Foodsense" campaign, MAFF has spent £23,000 since 1993 on producing information in' alternative formats for visually impaired

Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee
Member Commercial interests Non commercial interests
Name of company Nature of interest Name of company Nature of interest
Dr. D. A. J. Tyrrell, Chairmam Reckitt and Colman Consultant None None
Smith Kiline Beecham PEP shareholder
Procter and Gamble Editorial work
Dr. R. G. Will, Deputy Chairman None None Department of Health Grant Holder
Scottish Home and Health Dept. Grant Holder
Prof. I. Allen None None Multiple Sclerosis Society Grant Holder
Prof. F. Brown None None None None
Dr. W. D. Hueston None None None None
Dr. R. H. Kimberlin Petfood Industry (World-wide) Adviser European commission Adviser
Pharmaceutical Industry (World-Wide) Adviser Meat and Livestock Commission Adviser
United Nations (Food and Agriculture) Dept. Adviser
Office International des Epizooties Adviser
National Governments in Europe, Americas and Adviser
World Health Adviser
Mr. D. B. Pepper Veterinary Freelance consultant None None
Pharmaceutical Industry
Veterinary Defence Society Ltd. Claims Consultant
Dr. W. A. Watson

people. Availability has been publicised through the Royal National Institute for the Blind.