HC Deb 25 November 1994 vol 250 cc450-2W
Mr. David Shaw

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is his estimate of the cost of running over complement at units to which military personnel would be reassigned if the Royal Marines school of music were to be relocated to Portsmouth in each year from 1996–97 to 1999–2000.

Mr. Soames

There would be no extra costs involved, since there would be no over-complementing at other sites as a result of the relocation. All the band service personnel at Deal would be reassigned within the new overall ceiling for the service of 358. The 79 service posts at Deal involved in administration and security would be lost on closure. There would, however, be no over-complementing elsewhere as the reductions would be managed by natural wastage within the Royal Marines.

Mr. David Shaw

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is his estimate of the costs that would arise in each year from 1994–95 to 1996–97 if the Royal Marines school of music were to be relocated from Deal to Portsmouth, in respect of(a) planning and the proposed relocation, (b) relocation and installation of furniture, fittings and other equipment and (c) personnel.

Mr. Soames

Planning of the proposed move would be undertaken by existing staff at no extra cost. The physical costs of such a move would be approximately £35,000, incurred in financial year 1995–96. No extra service personnel costs would be incurred as a result of the move, since such transfers are anyway a part of the normal cycle of service life and are as applicable at Deal as they would be at Portsmouth.

Mr. David Shaw

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what other options exist for utilising the Royal Naval detention quarters if the Royal Marines school of music does not relocate to Portsmouth; and what assessment he has made of the benefits of those other options.

Mr. Soames

No other options for using the Royal Naval detention quarters have been identified.

Mr. David Shaw

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether a fully costed requirement has been developed for building works which would be necessary at the Royal Naval detention quarters at Portsmouth if the Royal Marines school of music were to relocate there from Deal.

Mr. Soames

We would not expect the cost of building works to exceed the figure of £450,000 quoted in the consultative document.

Mr. David Shaw

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is his estimate of the costs associated with efficiency losses that would be incurred as the Royal Marines school of music adapted to a new location if the proposed relocation to Portsmouth takes place.

Mr. Soames

It is not possible to cost the short-term disruption which would inevitably occur. Pre-planning will, however, keep this disruption to a minimum. The investment appraisal supporting our proposals does, however, demonstrate the large savings over the next five years of relocating the Royal Marines school of music from Deal.

Mr. David Shaw

To ask the secretary of State for Defence what is his estimate of the property management costs to be incurred at Portsmouth, of transferring the Royal Marines school of music from Deal in each year from 1995–96 to 1999–2000, with particular reference to the refurbishment of accommodation and the percentage of total current costs at Portsmouth that these figures represent.

Mr. Soames

In financial year 1995–96, £450,000 has been allowed for initial refurbishment costs. Thereafter, £47,000 per annum is allowed for continuing property management purposes. This represents 0.8 per cent. of the total current property management budget for HMS Nelson Portsmouth.

Mr. David Shaw

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is his estimate of the running costs of buildings other than the Royal Naval detention quarters which would be incurred at Portsmouth in each year from 1995–96 to 1999–2000 if the Royal Marines school of music is moved from Deal; and what percentage of total costs at Portsmouth these costs represent.

Mr. Soames

For financial year 1995–96 costs are nil. From 1996–97 onwards, additional annual running costs at HMS Nelson attributable to the presence of Royal Marines school of music facilities in buildings other than the Royal Naval detention quarters amount to just over £40,000. This represents 0.1 per cent. of the total estimated running costs of HMS Nelson.

Mr. David Shaw

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is his estimate of the manpower cost at Portsmouth of transferring the Royal Marines school of music from Deal in terms of(a) general administration, (b) supplies, (c) property management and maintenance, (d) catering and accommodation and (e) transport etc., in each year from 1995–96 to 1999–2000; and what percentage of total costs at Portsmouth in each year these figures represent.

Mr. Soames

HMS Nelson currently administers some 3,000 service personnel. The 34 service posts transferring with the school and the 27 civilian posts will carry out tasks specifically related to the school's training activities. Because of the very considerable size of the existing and projected Naval infrastructure in Portsmouth, no further posts under the headings set out in the question are envisaged as a result of the arrival of this comparatively very small music school organisation.

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