HC Deb 25 November 1994 vol 250 cc421-2W
Mr. Beith

To ask the Secretary of State for Social in what circumstances stat benefits are

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Date from Employee1 per cent. Employer1 per cent. Weekly rate £ Weekly rate £ per cent.
6 April 1980 6.75 13.72 2.50 2.40 5
6 April 1981 7.75 13.72 3.40 3.30 5.75
6 April 1982 8.75 13.72 3.75 3.65 6
6 April 1983 9 11.952 4.40 4.30 6.3
6 April 1984 9 11.452 4.60 4.50 6.3
6 April 1985 9 10.45 4.75 4.65 6.3
6 October 1985 5 7 93 5 7 9 10.453 3.50 3.40 6.3
6 April 1986 579 5 7 9 10.45 3.75 3.65 6.3
6 April 1987 579 5 7 9 10.45 3.85 3.75 6.3
6 April 1988 579 5 7 9 10.45 4.05 3.95 6.3
6 April 1989 579 5 7 9 10.45 4.25 4.15 6.3
5 October 1989 2 plus 94 5 7 9 10.45 4.25 4.15 6.3
6 April 1990 2 plus 9 5 7 9 10.45 4.55 4.45 6.3
6 April 1991 2 plus 9 4.6 6.6 8.6 10.4 5.15 5.05 6.3
6 April 1992 2 plus 9 4.6 6.6 8.6 10.4 5.35 5.25 6.3
6 April 1993 2 plus 9 4.6 6.6 8.6 10.4 5.55 5.45 6.3
6 April 1994 2 plus 10 3.6 5.6 7.6 10.2 5.65 5.55 7.3
1 Not Contracted-out rates shown.
2 Includes the National Insurance surcharge under the National Insurance Surcharge Act 1976. The surcharge was gradually reduced from 3.5 per cent. until its abolition on I October 1984.
3 Lower employee and employer contribution rates were introduced for employees on lower earnings. The Upper Earnings Limit for employers' contributions was abolished.
4 A revised structure for employee contributions was introduced. Employees now pay an initial contribution of 2 per cent. on earnings up to the Lower Earnings Limit and then a main contribution rate of 9 per cent. (now 10 per cent.) on the balance of earnings up to the Upper Earnings Limit.
5 A new Class IA contribution was introduced in 1991–92. It is paid by employers, at the highest contribution rate, on the cash equivalent for tax purposes of the benefit of cars and fuel provided to their employees for private use.

reclaimed from recipients of tribunal awards for dismissal from the services for pregnancy, on the same basis as they are reclaimed from recipients of industrial injury compensation; and how much has been reclaimed from such recipients of compensation.

Mr. Evans

The recoupment of benefits for industrial tribunal awards is operated by the employment services. Recoupment applies if benefits are paid as a result of an unfair dismissal from work for which compensation is later awarded. Unlike the compensation recovery scheme, which covers awards made for industrial injury and is administered by Benefits Agency, recoupment is not dependant on the size of settlement. Information on total amounts reclaimed in these circumstances is not available.