HL Deb 17 November 1994 vol 559 cc1-2WA
Lord Gainford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, the Secretary of State for Education has received the report of the inquiries conducted into affairs at Derby Tertiary College, Wilmorton and St Philip's Roman Catholic Sixth Form College, Birmingham.

Lord Lucas

My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Education has received recommendations from the Further Education Funding Council concerning the governance of Derby Tertiary College, Wilmorton and St. Philip's Roman Catholic Sixth Form College, Birmingham following the inquiries conducted respectively by Mr. Michael Shattock and Sir John Caines. We are most grateful to the council and to Mr. Shattock and Sir John for having carried out the inquiries. Copies of the reports and the recommendations have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses.

Those affected by the recommendations should have the opportunity to comment on them and on the reports. We have written to all those concerned to invite them to do so. My right honourable friend is mindful of the need to take appropriate action in the interests of sound governance of the colleges. She will also wish to consider, in consultation with the Further Education Funding Council and others involved, what action should be taken to apply any lessons arising from these reports more generally across the further education sector.

We are glad to see that, despite their difficulties, the colleges have been providing effective education for their students and we are satisfied that they can continue to do so.