HC Deb 25 May 1994 vol 244 c188W

The European Union, recalling its declaration of 18 April 1994 on Rwanda, again appeals urgently to all parties to the conflict to bring an end to the genocide now taking place in the country. The European Union expresses its full support for the United Nations' humanitarian efforts and in this context welcomes the resolution that is currently before the Security Council. The European Union looks forward to an urgent decision on measures which can be implemented soon. The European Union welcomes the initiative of the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights to conduct a mission on both Rwanda and Burundi and supports the call for a special meeting of the UN Commission on Human Rights. The European Union expresses its appreciation and support for the efforts of the OAU and to President Mwinyi of Tanzania for their initiatives in convening a regional conference, in which both the authorities of Rwanda and the RPF will be invited. The European Union urges the two sides to agree on the need to respect the Arusha agreement, which, through the way of negotiation, offers the best available basis for national reconciliation. In this context the European Union supports the call for an early imposition of an arms embargo on Rwanda, and calls on all concerned to refrain from any action that is liable to exacerbate the situation. The European Union is eager to increase its humanitarian aid whenever and where such aid can be brought to the populations that have suffered so cruelly from the violence. In this respect it will continue its immediate assistance to refugees in the neighbouring countries and will endeavour to equally assist the stricken populations within Rwanda, whenever conditions allow this.